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Lead Moderator
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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. We have the Support sections for bug reprots. Since you have some mods installed, I have moved your post to the modded support sub-forum. Please look over the rules/suggestions for this section and add the necessary information to your report.
  2. These do not exist in stock, and so, moved to Add-on Affairs.
  3. We've already had a thread about this. Unfortunately, it didn't go well.
  4. Vanamonde


    If you can get to Mun and Minmus, you can get most anywhere. It's mostly practice and scaling things up from there. Welcome to the forum.
  5. I have over 80 weeks in KSP and have been completely hooked as well.
  6. Welcome to the forum, BlkBltChemie. I also have trouble finding the pics I need out of the couple of thousands I have taken. Often, I give up looking and just take more.
  7. Modding question? Why not ask it in the luxurious Add-on Affairs sub-forum?! Now with lemon scent! (Thread moved.)
  8. Alas, poor thread. Subject lost far back in the mists of time. Sniff. Rest well, old friend.
  9. The aerodynamics discussion has been moved here.
  10. As this discussion has wandered quite far from the Squadcast itself, this discussion has been moved to its own thread in Development.
  11. Rather than get into an argument about how the game should work and what other players should want to do, please give OP advice about what he/she wants to do in the current version of the way the game works.
  12. You tell us moderators what you want fixed and then we fix it for you. (Also, moved to Kerbal Network.)
  13. This report of a mission has been moved to Mission Reports. And, congratulations.
  14. Alright already! Moved. Jeez! But you know, posting in the thread really doesn't call moderator attention to something, guys, unless we happen to run across it while browsing. Hitting the 'report' button or bringing it up in this thread, on the other hand, works much better.
  15. But do it in Spacecraft Exchange! (Thread moved to the appropriate subforum.)
  16. Stuff about the forum itself goes in Kerbal Network. (Moved.)
  17. I didn't take the last two years off, and there's still stuff I'm learning. Welcome to the forum.
  18. Hello Mechtech, and welcome to our forum.
  19. There is a sub-forum help with mod use, and this thread now occupies it. (Moved.)
  20. As your question seems to be more about the use of the mod than aircraft design, this thread has been moved to Add-on Affairs.
  21. Your diagram looks right to me. And I really need to get around to updating this with the additional navball symbols they've introduced.
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