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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. It would probably help to see a picture of your ship, in which the RCS thrusters are clearly visible.
  2. As the game is still in heavy development, there is almost no documentation or tutorial material for most aspects of the game, and not just the contract system. No sense in making guides to processes when the processes themselves are not in their final forms. This sort of thing will come in time.
  3. I'm afraid that this is one of those topics that was so discussed to death already that it has been placed on our list of things not to suggest again. Please look this list over before making suggestions.
  4. Welcome to the forum. What's with that ship with the wheels placed so that all it could do is spin?
  5. Both orbital construction techniques and rotating docking rings are subjects which have been so over-discussed that they have been placed on the list of things not to suggest again for the sake of keeping discussion moving along productive lines. Please look over this list before submitting suggestions.
  6. This antediluvian game has been moved to Games.
  7. There is no way to give one control part precedence during construction. In flight, you can right click on a capsule or probe core and choose "control from here," but it isn't permanent. If you switch to any capsule's IVA view, the last capsule visited becomes the new orientation for the navball.
  8. Congratulations on graduating from lurkerdom.
  9. Hi Gordo. I also have found this forum to be unusually helpful.
  10. These suggestions for the game's development have been moved to Suggestions and Development.
  11. Congratulations. I am also fond of sending probe missions to the planets.
  12. The thread is stickied because it is one of Sal_vager's threads of the month.
  13. This thread is a year old, and information in it is unlikely to be current. The thread will be closed now to avoid spreading bad information.
  14. There's no need for accusations. Either take the advice or don't, but do not attack your fellow forum members.
  15. As this is a how-to sort of a question, moved to Gameplay Questions.
  16. mrdanger2007, I have edited the title of your thread so that its subject is more clear. Feel free to change it again if you like, but please do make it clear that this is a showcase thread and not a single craft file you're sharing.
  17. Upon review, we've removed a number of posts from this thread after all. I don't think anybody here is qualified to state whether anything can be learned from this study, and whether NASA is able to conduct it safely, and there's certainly no need to cast aspersions on the personnel of NASA. Keep it on-topic, and stop insulting each other, folks.
  18. Hello SgtZabka, and welcome to the forum.
  19. Welcome to the forum, Mundiver.
  20. What specifically do you think is wrong with these contracts? They can't fix them if they don't know what you're talking about.
  21. Hello Xwingace, and welcome to the forum. I find no mods to be essential, and play without any.
  22. This suggestion for the game's development has been moved to Development and Suggestions.
  23. Guys, if you have no advice to offer OP, just move on to other threads. There's no need to get into an argument about how dark space should be.
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