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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. This affair about add-ons has been moved to Add-on Affairs.
  2. Another Antares thread (or two) (or three) merged.
  3. The three threads on today's incident have been merged.
  4. Hello Arwa, and welcome to the forum.
  5. Once a ship gets beyond 2.5kms from you, it is no longer fully simulated, but becomes an abstract point travelling on rails. But in atmosphere, the game hasn't yet been given the ability to apply aerodynamics to that ship, so it's simply eliminated. Circling around to stay within 2.5kms until the other ship lands, as you discovered, is the only way to drop something intact.
  6. What's all this, then? Stick to the rules please, folks.
  7. Welcome to the forum, and your English is just fine.
  8. I saw them as little green aliens who might be male, female, neither, both, or unclassifiable by our familiar labels. As someone who grew up reading science fiction, I do not make that kind of unfounded assumption. But more importantly, I just didn't care. They are merely cute little pilots for our ships, and it doesn't matter if they have genders. Kerbals have a mixture of the features, some of which are associated with one human gender or another. hips wider than shoulders: female androgynous voices: no help for either side there short hair: male or merely so their helmets fit? no facial hair: female, or clean-shaven? names: mostly male, but not exclusively no bust: male, or simply non-mammalian? three-fingered hands: neither male nor female, nor even primate green skin: not even human Etc. The evidence is equivocal at best, and to look at these alien creatures with their mix of features and declare that they are all male is itself a projection of the viewers' biases. (Since this issue tends to result in arguments, I should state that I am expressing my feeling on the subject as a player, and not speaking in this post either as a moderator, and certainly not on behalf of Squad.)
  9. I play career as a lead-up to what is essentially sandbox in the later stages. Welcome to the forum.
  10. You know what Venus looks like at its brightest? Historical descriptions make it sound something like that. Possibly even visible in daylight, but still just a bright dot without color or feature.
  11. I think this might set a record for lurking on the forum. Congratulations on coming out of the shadows.
  12. Welcome to the forum. I don't use mods, myself, but I'm sure some helpful person will be along shortly.
  13. It's possible to tap one of the buttons by accident while scriolling around the screen. I've done that once or twice.
  14. Stable landers need to be low and wide to avoid tipping. Bouncing is a matter of speed.
  15. Most outdated threads die natural deaths and there's no need to close them, because no one ever posts in them again. Some threads are still relevant, so reviving them doesn't harm anything. But in a periodically updated game like this in which new versions can render the contents of old threads misleading, it's better to close the thread so that players are not being confused by and acting upon old information. In other words, it's a judgement call and not something automation can take care of for us. But don't feel bad about it if it happens to you, because it's not intended to be a punishment. It's just a matter of keeping the forum moving along effectively. (So we'd rather you folks didn't call each other stupid about it [glares]. ) Also, since this thread is about the forum itself, it has been moved to Kerbal Network, also not as a punishment.
  16. Well, sorry I can't greet your in your native language, but yes, you are welcome in the other parts of the forum.
  17. Got distracted while setting up a rendezvous, and attempted to dock at 140m/s.
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