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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. This is one of the ideas that has been suggested so many times that it's been included on our list of things not to suggest. These are things that have been so talked to death that we'd rather folks just moved on and discussed new ideas.
  2. The problem is being investigated. Let's not turn this into another Curse hate thread.
  3. Feel free to start one, but this isn't it.
  4. Just some silliness to generate excitement around the time of version releases.
  5. Changing this would require introducing into the game mechanics and animations to show dents and partial scorching and whatnot. Much simpler to have parts simply blow up when they're no longer usable.
  6. Please watch the language folks, and also, try not to be so mad at each other all the time, eh?
  7. Just for information's sake, our Curse people don't post a lot, but they do lurk, and we moderators can also send them messages when there's a need. Of course, they're not on line 24 hours per day, so the response might not be immediate. But they do care and we are in touch with them.
  8. I am a Closing55. (Do try to have a purpose for threads, or if they have a purpose, please make it clearer. )
  9. The hype is spreading faster than ebola! Containment protocols initiated!
  10. This suggestion regarding the game's development has been moved to Suggestions and Development.
  11. Higgs, that thread is so very old that it's possible that the same apparent result is arising for different reasons. To avoid confusion and the work of tracing problems down dead-end possibilities, we often decide that it's better to start fresh with a new thread. Is any of the info in that thread obsolete? I don't know, but isn't it better to just avoid the problem and start fresh threads in situations like this?
  12. And again I say, please discuss the subject rather than each other.
  13. As always, please leave each other's personalities out of it, and confine the discussion to the subject of the thread.
  14. Much of the game's code has changed since that thread started, and many players are going to be running it on newer hardware, so the thread was closed primarily to keep new and useful information separate from old and outdated information. So I believe Sal_vager's closing message was meant to be teasing rather than scolding, indicating that you hadn't done anything wrong. Closing threads like that is not a punitive matter (you were not issued an infraction over it), but rather are part of our attempt to keep the forum talking productively about current issues. Don't be afraid to post again.
  15. Learning KSP is the process of crashing closer and closer to your destination. There is no formal way to do it. Welcome to the forum. (I suck at planes, too.)
  16. Hello Tricksterzzzz, and welcome to the forum.
  17. I've long had the common habit of building ships in 3 components/stages. 1. Launch. 2. Achieve orbit. 3. Actual mission craft. Recovering the launch stage would be quite a challenge, as it is usually quite massive and ejected while still in atmo, where it's automatically eliminated once it gets more than 2.5kms from the active part of the ship, so I don't try. Since economics were added, I just make that 2nd stage capable of de-orbiting and soft-landing after delivering the mission to orbit, which recoups a portion of the original cost. It's a compromise which doesn't require massive changes to my construction style and existing, tested designs.
  18. Whew! I'm glad this issue is settled!
  19. I am not a Steam user, so I was hoping someone would jump in and help with that. In the meantime, though, hello and welcome to the forum.
  20. There is a forum sub-section for player-made videos. And this thread now occupies it.
  21. With regard to some removed posts, you folks need to express yourself without resorting to insults.
  22. Aircraft are the hardest things to make in this game. I've been playing for two years and still only have ever made 6 or so planes that are worth using. A fair number of helpful people have made tutorials and such, though, which you can find in the Tutorials section. Here is helpful Specialist290's guide to most of the better ones. Good luck, and I hope you have more success with planes than I. (You could hardly do worse... )
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