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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. This is a mission I did a while back in which I went to Eeloo, then packed 3300 science into the lab module for return to Kerbin, leaving the lander and science instruments behind. Although the lab itself is fairly big, and requires 2 kerbals and a lot of electricity to operate, it's a good way to re-use science devices and store multiple science reports without having to retain all the science devices and sub-ships of the mission.
  2. 1. Stores experimental results, including duplicates. (Most capsules can only store 1 of the each type.) 2. Increases the value of transmitting data. 3. Resets goo pods and materials bays, which otherwise would only be good for 1 use.
  3. Discussions of politics and national policies invariably turn into arguments, and so have ruled off limits (2.2.b) for our friendly game forum. Unfortunately, this thread must be closed now.
  4. With regard to several removed or edited posts, please keep in mind that your fellow forum members are not your enemies, and do not resort to insults. Also, there is no place on our forum for casting aspersions on entire nationalities.
  5. Hype traffic control has decided that the hypeairspace is getting too hypecrowded, creating a danger of hypecollisions. For your hypesafety, this hyepchannel has been hypeclosed, and we hyperecommend that you hypeuse one of the hypeother hypethreads. Hypethank hypeyou.
  6. Guys, it can be fun to joke or speculate about when you would like the game to come out, but please do not make unsupported announcements as if they are official. Squad has made no announcements, so no one can have firm information.
  7. We are all expecting it. Welcome to the club.
  8. When I see a thread which sounds like it's about something in which I have no interest, I sing "tra-la-la" and skip merrily past it. This response is highly efficacious. I recommend it.
  9. We are currently on version 24. The next one, 25, is still in testing and is most definitely not out yet. Therefore, it is too early to start speculating about 26, because you have yet to experience version 25. Conclusion: a 26 thread is premature are this point in time, and the thread will not be reopened, at least for some weeks/months, if ever. We hope this dispels any remaining confusion.
  10. I don't think there is a definitive answer to this, as it changes from version to version. It used to be that the Mun arches were visible, if you knew where to look, as twinkling points even 1000km away. But more recently, I find that you have to be within a handful of kilometers before they appear at all.
  11. This affair about add-ons has been moved to Add-on Affairs.
  12. And now, it *is* in the ship exchange. Pics are traditional, though. How about adding some?
  13. Well, you may not be a new player, but welcome to a new forum member.
  14. On splashdown, when the capsule bobs back up after hitting the water, the G meter dips into the negative. Other than that, yeah, I think these are just ancient graphical flourishes from 500 versions ago.
  15. Grunf911, we have moved your video to its own thread, to make it easier for players to find and access. Please feel free to edit the title and caption to reflect this.
  16. It is indeed fun here. Welcome to the forum.
  17. Hi santiagokof, and welcome to our forum.
  18. To share screenshots on our forum, you will need to upload them to a service like Imgur.com (it's free), and copy/paste the link they provide into your posts. Meanwhile, welcome to the forum.
  19. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  20. This is why I like using Imgur.com. You can just copy/paste the BBCode link they provide as-is, without messing with forum formatting. (Also, moved to Kerbal Network.)
  21. If you have a joystick installed, make sure that it's centered and not sending unintentional attitude commands. Look at the little indicators in the lower right. Are they reading control input telling the ship to rotate?
  22. Modding question? Why not ask it the luxurious General Add-on Affairs sub-forum? Now with pine-scent! (Moved.)
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