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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Please, let's not get into casting aspersions on anyone's nationality.
  2. I hope you know that in KSP, the only thing which can cause an orbit to decay is passing through atmosphere... Welcome to the forum.
  3. And now you have. Welcome to the forum.
  4. Sound like you've been playing longer than I have. Anyway, welcome to the forum.
  5. Hello. Welcome to the forum.
  6. We like to keep the more nuts-and-bolts/math kinds of discussion in Gameplay, so people know where to find it consistently. And so, thread moved.
  7. As always, folks, please talk about the ideas in the thread rather than each other.
  8. The video, while interesting, is not about KSP itself, and therefore the thread has been moved to off-topic lounge. Thanks for posting it, though.
  9. The video, while interesting, is not about KSP itself, and therefore the thread has been moved to off-topic lounge. Thanks for posting it, though.
  10. There is a section of the forum specifically for asking for help with mods, and this thread now occupies it.
  11. Welcome to the forum. You are also welcome to post in the English sections, of course, but just so you know, we also have a sub-forum for you fellows who speak Italian.
  12. I'm sorry to dampen your enthusiasm, but the ability to build ships on other worlds is an idea that has already been brought up so many times that it's been talked to death, and placed on our list of What Not to Suggest so that we can keep forum discussions moving along productively. It may or may not happen, you see, but there's nothing new left to say about it.
  13. If you are looking for example/trainer ships, here's one I made. The lander is indeed, low and wide, as people are advising.
  14. 2.25kms. Any farther than that from the root part, and KSP does not fully simulate ship parts.
  15. We already have a thread for game screenshots, and this post now occupies it.
  16. If they charged a penny for each hour I have spent playing the game so far, I would not be able to afford to buy it. But I have certainly gotten more fun out of KSP even than my second-favorite, Morrowind, and with expansions, that came to around $110.
  17. Welcome to the forum, BigJaredMonkey. After you post a few more times, the forum software agrees that you are not a spambot and you'll have the ability to customize your profile. And you won't regret buying the full game.
  18. Hola. (Estoy enviando esto a través de Google Translate, así que disculpe mi falta de español, pero nuestros moderadores españoles no están aquí en este momento.) No, no es posible aterrizar en Jool. Simula un gigante gaseoso en el que su barco sería aplastado por la temperatura y la presión. Además, me he movido su mensaje a la sección española, donde sus compañeros de habla hispana podrán ayudarte mejor que yo. : D
  19. Assembling things in orbit is one of my favorite aspects of this game. I never get tired of it. Also, there already is a thread for showing off space stations, so your thread has been merged into it.
  20. I'm not saying there weren't reasons within the game for those factors, Northstar1989. I am saying that, for me personally, they made the game un-fun to play.
  21. Merged, to keep the discussion of 25 features all in one place.
  22. Landing gears stick on like any other part. What sort of trouble are you having? To get things to activate separately, you will need to put them in separate stages. There should be a display on the side of the screen with orange tabs and +/- buttons to add stages, then click and drag device icons into them to set stages. And welcome to the forum.
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