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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Vanamonde


    What's up, _Bugs? Post a few more times, and our forum software will agree that you're not a spambot, and you'll have access to customization options. Welcome to the forum.
  2. Since this is about the forum itself, moved to Kerbal Network.
  3. Hello Liquid02, and welcome to the forum.
  4. The guys to ask are the modders, so, moved to the modding section.
  5. Yes, this can happen if you try to start a longer burn from an overly low starting orbit. You're building up speed, but also pushing your PE down, possibly into atmo and disaster.
  6. Since it looks like this a resumption of an existing project, the threads have been merged to keep all the info in one place.
  7. That was an interesting innovation, but even so, combat always meant one of the units was destroyed, and that meant marching replacements over from the points of production. over and over and over and... Quite tedious.
  8. Sorry to be a wet blanket, but politics (and political allegories like this) invariably goes bad, and has therefore been ruled off-limits for our forum (2.2.b).
  9. Moved to Live from Mission Control, which is the dedicated spot for player-made streaming and vids.
  10. My reasons for disliking AC: Emphasis on conflict: No improvement over the original Civ's really rather tedious combat system. Make units, collect them, march them to the front, watch them get destroyed, make more, collect them, march them to the front, etc., etc. Also, all the Civ games have crappy AI that just attacks and attacks and attacks, even when there's nothing to be gained by conflict. In AC, though, it was an even bigger nuisance, as the Believer faction of religious fanatics would literally march units all the way from the other side of the planet to start a war with you, and just keep coming, so that after the first time you encountered them, you'd never be left in peace again unless you wiped that faction out. Useless diplomacy The Civ game AI's are also obnoxious negotiators. They're always trying to blackmail you into giving them freebies, and then whether you do or not, they will eventually go to war with you. I used to leave difficulty on low, and when somebody attacked me, never bother to make peace until I had wiped that faction out. It was the ONLY way to make lasting peace in those games. Heavy-handed environmental message As your industry increased its output, the planet started attacking you with an inexhaustible supply of mindworms. You had to either hobble your own development by limiting your own industry, or engage in even more constant, tedious, laborious combat. I just did not care for this game at all. It felt like a constant uphill slog just to be left alone long enough to develop my country.
  11. It seems I am the only person in history to not like this game.
  12. Seems to be working for me. (Also, moved to Kerbal Network.)
  13. There are already several threads on this subject, so let's please not start more.
  14. Now that we've established that Squad has nothing to fear, let's move on, shall we please?
  15. What on earth ever gave you the idea that you should have this ability or authority? I think you are remembering the reaction to previous versions with rose-tinted-glasses. There have been accusations that development has gone catastrophically wrong at least as far back as .15, when I found the game. Obviously, this is hyperbolic over-statement. It may not be as public as you would like, it may not be as consistent as you would like, but 'no plan of battle survives contact with the enemy.' This kind of outlandish exageration doesn't help make anyone's point. And, I suspect, this is exactly why they are so reluctant to put forth this roadmap some folks are trying to demand. History indicates the reverse. (See the aforementioned resources furor.)
  16. Destructible buildings is not the entirety of the .25 update. It is one feature which was chosen for emphasis because it's colorful, playful, and easy to portray in pre-release publicity. The fact that it isn't something some players wanted is hardly evidence that the game's development process has catastrophically derailed, especially because it was stated several times that it was a feature many players might never see. I myself have never seen the kraken on Bop, but that hardly means it was irresponsible of Squad to take the time to put it there. Also, many of the complaints here are taking the position that this feature is useless for its own sake, which ignores the repeated statements that it is one aspect of something which will be expanded later. Let's not lose our heads, okay guys?
  17. And this shattered my faith in veteran forum members. Either help or skip to the next thread. There's no need to belittle people.
  18. It has been revealed. Buildings go boom.
  19. This suggestion for the game's development has been moved to Suggestions & Development.
  20. It's an easter egg from one of the mods you've got installed.
  21. You have asked the forbidden question. Prepare to meet your fate! (Also, thread closed.)
  22. Yeah, why didn't you do it earlier? Anyway, welcome to the forum.
  23. Moved to add-on affairs. Moved to add-on affairs, for reals this time. (Sorry.)
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