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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. As for construction, the first ship in this thread has made multiple trips to Dres, while hauling mission payloads.
  2. This looks pretty impressive to me. I can't understand why it's not getting more attention.
  3. If these threads annoy you, skip them. There is no need to insult other forum members over the matter.
  4. I'm not sure what you're asking about, but the F4 key turns a target reticle with distance reading on and off. Have you tried that? Meanwhile, welcome to the forum.
  5. This affair about an add-on has been moved to Add-on Affairs.
  6. Second warning: leave the personal comments out of it. Discuss each other's ideas and not each other's personalities.
  7. Three threads on this silliness is getting out of hand. Merged.
  8. There's the challenge and the scenery. It's not all about in-game rewards.
  9. Moved to Kerbal Network (though I'm afraid I don't have a specific answer for you myself).
  10. Yes, it's an easter egg nested inside a mod. And thread closed by OP's request.
  11. Here's a written/illustrated walkthrough, primarily in response to your 4th question, but might help with other aspects of the flight as well.
  12. It's possible to disagree with each other without being angry or speaking dismissively. Please take a moment to cool your tempers before posting in the thread again, folks.
  13. If folks could discuss matters related to the game rather than each other's personalities or the age of threads, that would be great. Really, guys. If your post isn't about the subject of the thread, it probably doesn't need to be posted.
  14. Damage control! The hype is over-flowing! Quick, close the bulkheads and direct the flow back to the source before we sink!
  15. Well, they don't come out very often, and the newest one is at the top, with an unread marker, so do have a suggestion as to how we could make it more plain?
  16. This thread is old enough that some of the info in it probably is no longer valid. Closing it to avoid confusion.
  17. Hello. You will find a number of your Kiwi countrymen here. Not me, though.
  18. Hi Atatra. Your thread has been moved to the mods sub-forum, since you're asking for mod recommendations.
  19. We already have a thread for Curse issues. Please provide as much debugging info as you can in a post there, but do not expect Squad's partnership to be reconsidered.
  20. Antarctica? Well, a warm (get it?) welcome to the forum.
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