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Lead Moderator
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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Congratulations guys. Incidentally, Kerbal Stuff Goes Gold Goes to Add-on Affairs.
  2. Multiple Sims4 threads merged. Let's not spread this all over the forum, please.
  3. The idea of resources has been placed on the What Not to Suggest List because it has been discussed endlessly without productive results (and also because it tends to devolve into arguments). There are currently no plans to implement a resources system.
  4. You brought up a 10-month-old thread just to ask us not to lock it? Though as it happens, there's no need to since the info in it is still current. So, wish granted!
  5. Let's keep the 25 discussion in one place, please. Merged.
  6. We already have a number of threads for posting pictures from the game, including the big one. Please add to one of those threads rather than starting more for the same sort of material.
  7. Pawelk198406, you have brought this up before, and we would very much like you to stop talking about falsifying your medical history on our forum. It's not a good idea, and could be a crime, depending on the laws where you live. Also, guys, let's please not get into politics and Nazis. We'd like to keep those arguments off of our forum as well.
  8. The thread has been closed, kenbob5588, but we'd rather not delete threads that other members have posted in.
  9. It's unfortunate that you didn't like the game, Special Agent Sigvan, but that isn't a realism issue. Let's please keep this dicussion on-topic.
  10. One of the senior moderators can change your forum name, and I've messaged them about it. Be sure you like the new one, though, because name changes are one-per-customer.
  11. Mediafire is an easy-to-use file-sharing site, which provides links people can use to download copies of your craft file. The ads on their page are somewhat over-zealous, though, I must admit. Then you can post the link in the ship exchange sub-forum.
  12. Welcome to the forum, Alluvian Est-Endrati.
  13. The moderators are the people who enforce the forum rules and try to keep things organized. We have a few additional abilities, such as moving or closing threads, that standard forum users do not. If you'd like a thread closed, you'll need one of us to do it for you, and there is a place to ask for that.
  14. Since this is not really about the game itself, moved to off-topic lounge.
  15. Moderators have the ability to close threads. Why do you ask? (Also, moved to Kerbal Network.)
  16. You already are a member of the community. Welcome to the forum.
  17. Some people experience certain bugs, and other people experience other bugs. There's no need to get into an argument about it, guys.
  18. Isn't it a little early to worry/get angry about things that won't happen for a couple of years, assuming they happen at all?
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