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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. And we're asking you to keep it that way. We moderators have been noticing a marked increase in aggressive and insulting behavior on the forum lately, which is why we are posting gentle reminders about civility here, in the continuation of what has been a rather contentious sub-discussion of the 0.25 thread, so that it doesn't come up again. Or, just don't insert more empty space to monotonously timewarp through in the first place. Even easier.
  2. If folks could avoid statements like "That is wrong" and calling things "stupid," you'd be a lot more likely to influence the people who disagree with you. Nobody likes being insulted. Such as the idea that a lot of us don't want strict realism? Larger solar systems/planets, for example. What possible benefit is that? It's just more empty space, and all it means is more time spent fast-forwarding through the dead time in warp. Nobody sits through that in real time anyway, so why even stuff it into the game in the first place?
  3. There is a set amount of science to be gathered in each location (biome). Transmitting will retrieve it in little nibbles, while recovering ships will gobble it up in big bites, but the amount of data that is there to be gathered is the same either way. And welcome to the forum.
  4. Thread moved to Ship Exchange, where people might be inclined to exchange their 2001-inspired ships.
  5. Multiplayer is a subject for another time, please, as this thread is about the Spaceplane Plus parts.
  6. This question about how to play the game has been moved to the Gameplay Questions subforum.
  7. Sorry to hear that you're having a bad time. If it's still giving you trouble, though, please post in the Bugs section, keeping these necessary factors in mind.
  8. There is indeed already a thread for this sort of thing. Please continue showing pics there.
  9. Please do! But yes, guys, please do keep in mind that bad driving is not unique to any particular nationality.
  10. Squad doesn't want to add resources to the game right now, but may revisit the idea later. In the meantime, though, the subject has been placed on the What Not to Suggest List because, a) it's been discussed to death already, and there's no point in re-hashing it before they've made a final decision. So, we'll be closing this thread now.
  11. Congratulations on your Mun landing. But I, for one, can't see the pic.
  12. I get that cavitation can push water out of the way. What I'm saying is, the transverse cross-section of a submarine would be quite large, and the vehicle would have to push that area-times-the-speed volume of water out of the way, with sea water being many times more massive, viscous, and under far higher pressure than air at the same speed. What I'm meaning is, one can't get around the conservation laws, and no matter which means is used, a tremendous amount of energy is going to be needed to move that mass of water out of the sub's way. But I don't think I'm expressing myself well, without the technical background and terminology to say what I mean.
  13. I have a hard time visualizing how masses of ocean water could be shoved out of the way of something the size of a submarine at speeds like those being discussed here. But then, I would have said that the 370km/h torpedo is impossible. Is that for real? Has it been verified?
  14. Don't most military aircraft have a low-intensity setting for night flying? I believe they used to, anyway. And turning down the brightness would be a lot easier than trying to make all the indicators and instruments shades of red.
  15. Merged into the existing 25 anticipation thread, which has also been moved to General, where these things are usually posted, in hopes of preventing further duplicate threads.
  16. This is the first forum you've joined? Well, it's a friendly one to start off with. Welcome.
  17. This report ofn a mission has been moved to Mission Reports. And congratulations.
  18. Although this is an issue which involves politics, and sometimes religions, please keep in mind that we have had to rule those subjects off-limits on our forum for the sake of preventing arguments.
  19. Please leave discussions of conspiracy theories and religions for other forums. We'd rather not have the arguments here.
  20. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  21. Merged into the existing .25 speculation/discussion thread.
  22. Javster's sense of humor aside, the only limit would be interference from other celestial bodies, and that would depend on the plane of the orbit. What exactly did you have in mind, Pawelk198604?
  23. Let's leave politics and national characters out of it, please.
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