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Posts posted by Vanamonde

  1. While this thread may have been intended as a playful spot to gripe about annoyances, too many posters are directing their anger at whole groups, and some of those are groups which may include fellow forum members. Why don't we turn our energies to other subjects before this gets ugly?

    Thread closed.

  2. When attaching wheels to girders, it's often helpful to turn off "snap to angles" (the hexagon/circle toggle on the lower left, next to the symmetry button). Then you should only need to rotate them once before placing them, as the orientation won't be flipping around, trying to match itself to the girder surface. And yes, if the wheels are not upright, they will seem to sink into the surface and get little or no traction.

  3. Because the game is still early in development, there can be no manual that wouldn't be obsolete before it was completed. Also, it would take a thick book to cover every aspect of this complex game anyway. Most of us learned by just trying things and seeing how they work. When you get stuck, asking a specific question is much easier for others to answer than a general, "How do I KSP?" :D And don't be afraid to ask those questions, as many people on this forum actually enjoy helping other players.

  4. It was kind of you to offer advice, palioxis1248, but this thread is over 1 year old, and so much of the game has changed that the discussion is no longer relevant.

    As for other folks, posting to complain about necros is useless noise on the forum just as much as the necros themselves are. Please simply hit the report button and refrain from adding to the forum clutter.

    Thread closed.

  5. As long as you are not passing through atmosphere at any point, the delta-V required for maneuvers should be symmetrical: trajectory A to trajectory B should cost exactly as much as going from trajectory B to trajectory A. That's why there is only one value between any two points on a delta-V chart; the direction is irrelevant. If you're seeing variation, it's most likely that you're not exactly re-tracing your path in reverse, or you've detached some payload mass along the way.

  6. The temperature system is extremely incomplete right now. Any given location is always at the same temperature, and the only variation you'll find is that it is cooler at higher altitudes on those worlds which have atmospheres. Temperature doesn't even change from day to night.

  7. When we moderators see questions that are specifically about mods, we do move the questions to add-on support. Sometimes the question is borderline (includes a mod but might not be dependent upon it) and we may feel that it's more likely to get help if it stays here. Or there was one thread recently where the question was answered before I found it, so the thread was effectively dead and there seemed to be no reason to move it. Or, we might simply have not run across a thread that needs moving yet, as we are volunteers and monitor the forum on irregular schedules when we have time, and not all of us read every sub-forum.

    If you see something that you think is in the wrong place, just hit the little triangular report button to call the attention of the mod team to it. That being said, this thread seems to have served its purpose, and is in the wrong sub-section, so let's close it and move on, shall we? :)

  8. If you are generating/collecting more power than you are using, it automatically accrues in any batteries installed on the ship. Electricity is generated by most engines (not all), and is collected by solar panels, and high in the tech tree, the RTG generator produces a low but constant flow.

    I haven't worked out a rule of thumb for chutes required, because it depends on the size of the ship, but also how slowly you want to end up going after the chutes open. A large ship, for example, will be more fragile and will need a lower touchdown speed to avoid damage. Nothing should ever hit the ground at more than 10m/s, though. The overlapping of the chutes is merely an aspect of the part animation, and does not affect their performance.

    The problem you had is probably due to the speed at which the chutes opened. The faster the ship is moving, the harder the shock that's applied when they open, and you were likely going faster on your re-entry flight than you had been in testing, even though the chutes opened at the same altitude in both.

    Most of us try to avoid unnecessary casualties, but don't feel overly guilty about it, as Jeb frequently reappears after fatal accidents. :)

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