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Everything posted by softweir

  1. @benjee10 Bah! I'm getting so lazy I was actually annoyed at not being able to use CKAN! I really gotta get a life! However, there is a serious point: reDirect includes its dependencies, but if it is now Finished - and not being updated - then the included dependencies can go out of date and cause users problems. Reorganising the download to not include dependencies and then pushing it to CKAN with its metadata would be a service to your fans. BTW - I am a huge fan. Your mods are truly excellent!
  2. Nope! As the OP says, somewhere deep inside the text, it supports all rescaled systems by setting the "snacks day" to the day length of the homeworld, whether that is Kerbin or Earth or any other. I don't know about the other questions.
  3. @DeadJohn Many thanks for the advice! I ought to have looked into LGG's mod list before asking - there's damn little he hasn't written or adopted!
  4. My google-fu is failing me... is there a mod which will allow renaming of a craft file, short of loading-renaming-saving-deletingtheold? I would appreciate this merely trivially important QoL improvement if only I could find it! (If it exists.)
  5. Of course. I wasn't thinking! Hmmm. I wonder what needs to be done to create the appropriate .cfg...
  6. I just checked this, and yes, the inline parachute isn't marked as passable. I can transfer crew through it under Connected Living Space, but to do so I have to go into CLS' options and tick "Allow Unrestricted Crew Transfers". Similarly, FreeIVA says the parachute blocks the hatch, but there is no way around this. Are there many other Tantares parts with this restriction, I wonder?
  7. This says a lot about the current state of KSP1 modding; I have been using CKAN and not noticed any faults, but I have noticed a major downturn in new mods arriving. A lot of modders have stopped working on KSP1 in anticipation of producing mods for KSP2. Not that KSP1 modding is dead and a lot of existing mods are still being updated, but new mods are sparse.
  8. I agree that the current level of flexing is excessive! However, some flexing is realistic - there is video out there (but I'm darned if I can find it a second time) of an internal view of the ISS bending like a train on curved tracks, back when a faulty software update to Zvezda caused excessive, laggy attitude corrections. Which brings me to an associated issue:- getting the auto-stability feature well-tuned is a significant part of allowing our rockets to bend realistically. If the autopilot is laggy and heavy-handed then it will make make the flexibility look worse. If the rockets are over-rigidified to compensate for poor auto-stability, then we lose the fun! Of course flexing was a problem back in the early days of KSP 1: I remember, back in the day, old KSP player that I am, when not only did rockets bend, but the joints would slide weirdly back and forth - because Unity was using a PhysX implementation that could only join objects at their centres of mass! At least we don't have that in KSP 2!
  9. You also need to add to the download a text file containing the full text of the license. (It's all necessary:- but one reason amongst many that I feel disinclined to create mods!)
  10. Very classy! Sorry to nag, but I suggest you check out the Add-on posting rules: You need a license to go with your mod! (You can ask in the Modding discussions forum for advice on which license to use to suit your preferences.)
  11. A magnificent mod! Have I said how much I love it? A suggestion: add support for NESD's Warehouse parts? (After all the everything else, of course!)
  12. TWP? I'd be grateful if you could expand the acronym! Of course - Transfer Window Planner
  13. I have been there, done that - and nearly got the sack because *I* was responsible for keeping backups! (And maybe for panicking and being slightly less than honest to my boss about it until there was no other option.) Regardless, it really hurts when critical automated systems silently cease to operate and dump you in the deep-smelly-brown. Best of luck with your efforts at recovering from this poop, and thanks for everything you have produced so far!
  14. Not a bug, but an irritating and impossible-to-avoid side-effect of Beale's desire to make upgrading Tantares as painless as he can, and KSP's Search facility. Beale has frequently had to change parts in such a way that they would break existing vessels in player's saves. In order to get around this he leaves the old version of the part in the download files, but with the texture removed so that a: they cause as little memory bloat as possible, and b) so it is obvious when a saved vessel needs updating or retiring from active service. Under normal conditions these parts are hidden. However: KSPs Search facility fails to respect this hidden status, so these duplicates become visible. In the normal course of events the older of the duplicate parts get removed when Beale does a significant update, in the expectation that players will have finally grounded, scrapped or otherwise destroyed ships with out-of-date parts and updated their vessel designs. Maybe the very last, final and ultimate update will do away with the very last duplicates!
  15. Yes, but FAR doesn't emulate it. The computations needed to simulate it is beyond PC computing power in a real-time application like FAR running under KSP. I think you are confusing wing-tip vortices and leading-edge vortices. As you say, wing-tip vortices have no lift effect, only drag! However, leading-edge vortices do generate lift -@UndeadFireflyhas linked to the appropriate Wikipedia article. Leading-edge vortices are constrained to the space immediately above the wing, so no "action at a distance" is needed. There are many other articles to be found which describe leading-edge-vortex, you don't need to depend on Wikipedia!
  16. There are alternatives such as Dropbox. Whichever file-hosting service you use, upload the file, then copy the link it that the file-host gives you and copy it into the message you post here.
  17. The forum doesn't host images. So you need to: Upload your image to a fileserver such as Photobucket or Dropbox. Once done the fileserver will present you with a link formatted for inclusion in social media and/or forums. Copy that link, then paste it into a message here. Good luck!
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