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Everything posted by mrrpamplemousse

  1. " The pyro don't care and take out this : "
  2. "Ho Noooooooo, I must stop it now!" Power Ranger M
  3. 8/10 \!/ !Ponies fan alert! Releasing the kraken (actualy, rainbow dash is 20% cooler!)
  4. only a nuke? that's cute! from warhammer 40k
  5. He will sap your sentry! (Also, does the little tank is a Maus?)
  6. Use ponies as mascot / flag! actualy, that's a not-so-bad idea, like rainbow dash of a fighter, they will be 20% cooler
  7. False, we will NEVER surender to an aligator! BEHOLD THE POWER OF THE ULTIMATE CAPSLOCK!!! or release the kraken, you decide. The user below me will be pissed off by my capslock
  8. 154 : hax your engine and destroy kerbin Danny style!
  9. , Equestria and the... This is war!!!
  10. Anti-matter K (but nothing kerbal, please)
  11. False, do we have to be honest? The user below me don't have an avatar
  12. Granted, but you now realise how the world is sad and suicide yourself. ( this is cr*p!) I wish for the revival of the 3D light switch interface (The cool mod that add holographic panel)
  13. *resiste the urge to use physicly-imposible MLP-related thing and use more probable thing like wormhole (Also. If you destroy the planet (wich is a elevator) this game will no longer work with his current name.) "You actualy did it!?!"
  14. "Who the heck are you, how did you get in this elevator" (don't rage about ponies, please, it's only a non-standart hoby, and I think im well placed to said that (im an half a bronies, remember))
  15. "What did you said, people are observing us?" (maybe endless no-sense talk about ponies is why the brony thead was obliterated)
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