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Everything posted by mrrpamplemousse

  1. Brazen Big Brother Bill badly built big blue bubble buster bombs.
  2. Banned for being from (taking a wild guess) France Germany? the other side of the Atlantic.
  3. 2180: The space ebola virus becomes extinct from the lack of host.
  4. Only if you're the unique person that has the technology and money to produce them... 7/10
  5. Nope, too close to the filter - Moderator Comment Ok, ok... " This conversation is becoming toxic, let me put my hazmat-suit. "
  6. Perhaps I should get in the holyday spirit too... 9/10 it's funny.
  7. 10/10 Hype train! \ouo/ 7.5/10 Not bad.
  8. ITT we pretend we are 4channers. >tfw nothing better to do.
  9. 2164: Apes are the dominant specie, create a religious cult worshiping the chaos god responsible for the chocolate rains.
  10. 6/10 Erm, correct me if I'm wrong, but ASCII is not very relevant in rocket science, less than SSTV and JATO anyway. OT: Text.
  11. I guess. The next poster will be Overfloater.
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