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Everything posted by Panichio

  1. I've made the mistake of encountering a moon in the wrong direction a few times before. I had to change my 'Gilly Rover' to the 'Gilly Impact Probe' mission mid-flight.
  2. http://imgur.com/a/oHPVn#0 Here's my entry, which was assisted by MechJeb. 1.9km from the launchpad. Could have got closer, but whatever. Also, for a VTOL rocket challenge, I think this needs a lot more categories and chances to get points. There are so many different ways to judge how good one is, and how close to the launchpad it can land is not the most indicative. What are your thoughts?
  3. http://imgur.com/a/MWqeC#0 Here's the album. I scored full points too (130).
  4. And you didn't come across any of the Easter eggs? I wonder if it's possible to do a circumnavigation that passes all the Easter eggs. EDIT: Oh, and you would have benefited greatly from the rover autopilot in the newest version of MechJeb.
  5. I think Romfarer's Lazor Docking Cam can also help with alignment.
  6. There are so many things in the KSP Fan-Works section that need to be on the store.
  7. Was it you that was also working on a command pod made out of a lamp shade?
  8. You did all this to prove some people wrong? Nice.
  9. Hoorah! Rejoice! We shall have a feast! Anyway, I'm glad I can sit here and type away useless comments again!
  10. Now these classy astronauts can drive in style!
  11. Has the 'deactivated' fuel tank not being refilled been fixed already? That's what I heard...
  12. Well thank you so much for taking the time to start such a great mod! I'm having so much fun with it, and hopefully even more in the future thanks to your decision I'll be on the edge of my seat if I ever see a new 'update' sign written next to the satellite pack! (lordpie: He said he "might".)
  13. Once I thought of names that sound Italian for no reason, no reason at all. One of them was 'Panazzi', I used that a little bit, and among others was 'Panichio', and now that has stuck with me for a long time weirdly. It's a very meaningless username but at least it's not surrounded by 'xX' or '01451'... I've been called 'Pan', and 'Pani' before, because 'Panichio' is too long to type for some, but 'Pani' was as far as it went, I thought someone would end up just calling me 'Panini', but that never happened...
  14. So, this is the way I do it: 1. Start in a low Kerbin orbit. (Maybe between 80 and 100 or so KM, to use the Oberth effect I think?) 2. Use the protractor mod or Olex's calculator to find your phase and ejection angle. When you match those angles, do your burn until you reach the escape velocity of Kerbin. 3. Once you are out of it's sphere of influence (it's gravity does not effect you anymore), you will be in solar orbit where you then match your Pe with Eve. 4. Further down the road, when your two orbital planes cross, you will burn either North or South (Your normal and anti-normal directions), this will match the two inclinations of the orbits of you and Eve. By then, you should intercept it's SoI, and from there, well, I trust you know what to do. (Also, using parachutes in your lander is a very good thing to do. Eve has a very dense atmosphere, and the chutes will work very well.)
  15. I use MechJeb after I have made the manual accomplishment. I got to the Mun manually on my first time, as well as Minmus, as well as Duna, mainly because my MechJeb exploded Although I did not do it manually for Eve... I feel kind of guilty though.
  16. "That's two mighty steps. Just another existence worth of steps to go. Let's sprint it."
  17. Done and done. It looks great, one question though: So I can just start a discussion by myself, and set a topic for it, and then just kick-start the discussion? What kinds of responsibilities are there when you create one? Thanks in advance.
  18. Well, that looks awesome! Very interesting, I'll sign up now. Thanks for taking the time to make the website, I don't know much about space, but KSP has made me very enthusiastic towards the topic, as well as the maths involved. Best of luck to the website and I hope it grows into something very useful.
  19. I remember seeing someone getting to the Mun and landing in around 45 minutes if I remember correctly. He was going very, very fast...
  20. A while ago, someone made a model of all the Saturn V parts, that was nice, don't have it anymore though I think. Also, didn't someone make some parts similar to the Ares rockets? I thought I remembered something like that. Mods disappear quickly...
  21. Yeah, that one was funny. You know why? Because, well, for one, that one had better references that made the situations seem more funny. But, the main reason the one's that are funny is because they are mostly on Farming Simulator and Train Simulator, and to most, those games are just painfully boring and uneventful, so the effect of the jokes and dubstep music is greater. But to do one on KSP, and to have KSP players watch it, it doesn't makes sense because we have a lot of fun playing it, and don't find it boring. (Was that an unnecessary amount of analyzing?)
  22. Woah, I bet that's interplanetary capable. Maybe even intergalactic.
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