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Posts posted by Panichio

  1. I\'m quite sure this craft qualifies for;

    \'-A rocket capable of releasing a satellite into a circular orbit (SE, KW Challenger,Probodobdyne or stock)\'

    Mission Report.

    Stage 1 = 15 000

    Stage 2 = 4 800

    Stage 3 = 25 000

    Satellite Stage = 12 000

    Pod = 2 022

    Total = 58 822

    - 2 022 (Pod survived)

    = 56 800 to get 6.8 Tonnes of satellite’s into space

    Edit: This craft seemingly doesn\'t work in 0.13

    Could you post a craft file?

  2. Rover wheels... Time for some awesome Curiosity Madness 8)

    I already had a go making my own rover with these...didn\'t last very long unfortunately.

    Unfortunately I landed on the dark side and it\'s a bit hard to see the rover wheels.


    It was fun while it lasted...


    ...Until I accidentally accelerated off a cliff side and kept pressing the wrong buttons as I mashed the keyboard


    But at least they survived!


  3. 'Error (509)

    This account\'s public links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled!'

    Heh? This - this can\'t be happening...NOOO!!!

    After my computer\'s hard drive crashed and I lost everything :\'( I needed to download all the mods again, and now when I do...this?!

    Wow... my luck lately...

  4. I still haven\'t gotten around to texturing the gantry system and decided to wait until at least the experimental version of the next release is available before doing reverse tricouplers given their operational deficiencies.

    However, in the meantime, I did get around to making a rover wheel of all things lol. This should fill in that gap until some real artist decides to do one.

    Rover wheel available at bottom of first message: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=4267.msg48104#msg48104

    When I download it, I get a PHP file called index, what do I do?

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