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Everything posted by Flixxbeatz

  1. No contest, Laythe's popularity is downright overwhelming.
  2. Not bad, I've also planned for my [NS] Videoseries to be a lets play, but I've decided that would be too hectic for me
  3. I've tried lucid dreaming once. What I got was sleep paralysis. Twice. In succession.
  4. This: Supposed to be the booster stage of my Jool Conqueror Ship back in 0.19, ~420 parts with the lifter (standard issue lifter used).But I have used most its fuel to provide me some extra OOMPH during the climb to orbit, so basically it's almost composed of empty cans to be filled after. I've deorbited it after discovering a massive design failure regarding tricouplers and dockable engines. The second one is this thing: The Kerbomunopolis. Should have been a challenge starter (most kerbals ferried on the Mun in one lander without using any part add-ons and plugins), but eventually abandoned. Although I'm reconsidering to recreate it...
  5. People who don't practice what they preach.
  6. True. User below me is just chilling in his/her/their/its house.
  7. newbie.exe crashed. brain.exe stopped working and needs to be closed.
  8. Banned for state your business. STOP! THIEF! STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM!
  9. True. User below me likes to go bunsathing in the rain.
  10. bnnd fr spndng mr tm n th frms thn plyng th gm tslf
  11. Guys! I have just recently ascended to a higher level of existence, after training hard for it. What should I do next?
  12. False. Middle. User below me is a KSP Mandgraaster.
  13. Boats made out of ripe bananas? That would taste good...
  14. The stock parts selection before the 2m parts and other stuff was introduced were too limited, that I'll even avoid using them in favor of external parts packs (specifically KW Rocketry and NovaPunch) for greater power, versatility, more parts to choose from, and design realism. Things are way better now, with many selections already available without adding more parts.
  15. Yes but if you can go to Eve and/or Duna in a few hours when using it then why not?
  16. I served all world wars (I,II, and III) and still remain to be in late teenage years by means of time travelling. That's why I'm a tech-savvy individual in the present day.
  17. I'm actually a bit surprised since the wiki article about Laythe doesn't still bear the statement "It is the most popular destination in the Solar System in-game" while the evidence about its popularity is already overwhelming
  18. Everytime I see that, I remember Metal Slug.
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