That wasn't my final design that failed. This was Despite all the struts ONE SINGLE POINT OF FAILURE ruined the ship. As soon as the launchpad was loaded the top tricoupler's left attachment point broke basically leaving me with half a ship. And we all know how well that goes So you might be wondering, how did sirmonkey go that far with only a micro fuel tank attached to each engine? Well here's the original ship which all the above designs are just exponential expansions of. It has an e-1000 providing thrust, a micro fuel tank providing the starting fuel supply and FOUR fuel collectors which have the odd quality of giving the e-1000 UNLIMITED FUEL. This design got me to 330 KM/S!!!! This is the beginning of my downward fall. As you can see four of the limitless fuel engine plates worked great. How about TWELVE!!! And thats where I failed and sirmonkey stole my glory