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Everything posted by KospY

  1. Yes, it should work for any part using the container module.
  2. Well, with the release of KSP 1.0, I want to take the opportunity to do some change for KAS. As already said, current storage system will be removed and KIS will be used instead, so containers and mount will be deleted. Winn75 is also working on a new design for the winches, connector and port. Pipe and connector port will be merged and there will be only two winches (horizontal and vertical/radial). I recommend to wait KAS v0.5 before starting a new game. However, for people already using KAS in their game for a while, I will release an extra package containing the old parts for compatibility. Also, a small note : old KAS containers will be automaticlly converted to KIS container (KAS container content will be transfered in KIS container content on vessel load).
  3. I'm working on the next update for KAS. Release this week hopefully.
  4. Stock struts/fuel ducts are not supported right now. However I will try to see if it's possible to use them in flight. Meanwhile, you can use strut/pipe from KAS (it will normally be updated this week). - - - Updated - - - I will release an update for this. Meanwhile, I don't think 1.0.2 broke KIS (minor update), KIS should work normally. - - - Updated - - - Impressive... Can you reproduce the problem ? Does it happen in kerbin orbit ? - - - Updated - - - Great job An eva tether is planned for KAS. It will not be in the v0.5 update but I hope it will be ready for v0.6. I hope that will help for attaching things in space. Meanwhile, ladders is your friend - - - Updated - - - I agree. But my main concern is about the current resource system : Ore is stored like a liquid and we need a dedicated tank for each ressource added in game. It's also a shame they used "ore" instead of something like "gas" for me. Crafting is on my todo list, so I will need to find another name for the resource used to create parts. I would also like to create something different for resource exploitation, something involving kerbal and the use of tools. Nothing sure yet, I'm waiting more information about the roadmap of KSP post 1.0 release. - - - Updated - - - It's by design. I can't prevent a kerbal (with an inventory full) to enter a pod on a seat with some existing items. If I allow empty seat to be used like a container, some items will be lost if no room are available in the destination seat.
  5. I have something on my todo list about this. I will add a way to increase the page size ingame. - - - Updated - - - Thanks for the report, I will take a look.
  6. Engineer report don't seem to take into account the mass update when item are added in the inventory. It's not critical (the mass is correctly set in flight), but I will take a look to see what I can do about this.
  7. Thanks for the report, it seem I get something wrong using github branching... Update is needed... 1.1.1 released [B]1.1.1 (1 May, 2015)[/B] - [Fix] Fixed (again) wrong mass calculation for part with resources - [Fix] Fixed "Escape" not correctly spelled
  8. Just tested and it work on the mk1 lander pod (stack or surface node). Can you try without any mods and provide the log file ?
  9. No problem Also, you can refuel the eva propellant itself by using "refuel" from a command pod.
  10. Didn't have this issue. Did you use KIS 1.1 ?
  11. Not sure if I understand what you mean. If you are talking about the EVAx, just add equipMode = part to ModuleKISItem in your part config. The part will be spawned on equip, this way the kerbal will be able to access the part resources (part is "docked" to the kerbal on equip in this mode). If you have any problem with this keep me informed. Edit : Also, KIS eva propellant is working, it's just that it need to be used differently. It do not extend the eva fuel, It only add a way to refuel the eva pack in flight : Right click on the item in the inventory and choose "Refuel"
  12. For information, all KIS item currently equipped are only spawned on the kerbal as a model only, so there is no part created when you equip the item. It's the way KIS work by default. I didn't use partmodule to run my item code, I extend the ModuleKISItem class, allowing me to run item code even if the part is stored. However, I added a new possibilty in KIS 1.1, you can now set ModuleKISItem to spawn the item part on equip. The rigidbody will be removed for technical reason, but at least the part will run normally and there will be no need to code your own item (for increasing fuel storage on equip for exemple). But keep in mind the code will only run when the part is equipped. You can also set the part to "physic", but I do not recommend it for what you want to do (eva RCS will not work correctly and the part will not follow the kerbal bones). Wiki is not updated yet for 1.1 (I'm working on it), but here is an exemple of what to do to enable this : MODULE { name = ModuleKISItem shortcutKeyAction = equip equipable = true equipSlot = jetpack [B] equipMode = part // model (default) or physic[/B] usableFromEva = true usableFromContainer = false usableFromPod = true usableFromEditor = false useName = Refuel equipMeshName = jetpack_base01 equipBoneName = bn_jetpack01 equipPos = (0.06,0.04,-0.09) equipDir = (10,0,0) } Edit : "equipMode = part" is also usefull for science parts, as they can't be used from another vessel/kerbal.
  13. KIS is an overhaul of the storage, grab and attach system of KAS. It's a standalone mod working with or without KAS. Winches, pipes and struts will always remain in KAS. So if you want this features, you will need KAS too. I agree that the situation can be confusing right now between KAS and KIS, especially when both mod are installed (each one using a different method for part handling). The end goal is to remove the old storage system of KAS and update it to use KIS instead. I'm working on the update but that can take some time. Meanwhile, you can use KIS for inventories, grab and attach capabilities. It can be interesting to familiarize with KIS before KAS update
  14. I also get this problem with small parts (ladders for exemple). However, there is no problem to drop bigger part on the ground. I'm trying to fix this issue. Meanwhile, I recommend to always drop small items on another part (the container for exemple). I wonder if the problem was also present in 1.0.X ?
  15. KIS have no dependency. Items are found in a new category in the VAB. If you don't see it try to disable others mods, maybe something is conflicting with KIS ?
  16. Well, just download KIS 1.1 It's the new inline container of KIS.
  17. The goal is not to migrate all parts to KIS. KIS is the inventory system, and KAS is the winches, pipes and struts system.
  18. KIS 1.1 has been released ! I invite all KAS users to download and use it as it will be mandatory for KAS in the future. The next KAS update will take me some time as I want to adapt it directly to KIS. I do not have any ETA yet, but I hope that will not be too long...
  19. KIS 1.1 released ! Here is the changelog : [B]1.1.0 [/B] - KSP 1.0 Compatibility - [New Part] 2.5m inline container (20 000L) - [New Part] Ground base (similar to KAS Pylon) - [Feature] Part snapping on stack nodes (electric screwdriver only) - [Feature] Containers snapping on mount (removed "item drag to mount" behaviour) - [Feature] Small containers can now be carried on kerbal's back (but kerbal speed is limited on ground) - [Feature] Allow part from editor scene to be dragged to inventory (for tweaking them before storing them) - [Feature] Added multiple node support for PartMount module - [Feature] Added TweakScale compatibility - [Feature] Added ability to name containers - [Feature] Added a button in the kerbal inventory to put/remove helmet - [Feature] Added ability to set equip to "model"(default), "part" or "physic" in ModuleKISItem - [Feature] New item module to tweak some kerbal parameters when item is equipped (for modding) - [Feature] Current attach node is now displayed on the cursor - [Feature] Show science data of stored items - [Feature] Settings.cfg file is now loaded as a confignode (allow module manager to add partModules to the Stackable list) - [Feature] Show content resources, cost, mass and science data for stored containers - [Change] Disabled surface attach for stack part nodes - [Change] Disabled surface attach for part not allowing it - [Change] Increased default grab range to 3 meters - [Change] Part cost, mass and r&d updated for KSP 1.0 - [Change] Reduced the number of slots of the small container - [Fix] "Open inventory" context menu max distance now use the grab distance from settings.cfg - [Fix] Disabled editor set quantity item context menu when part is not stackable - [Fix] Fixed a crash when trying to store a command pod from the editor - [Fix] Fixed item icon not returning to default rotation - [Fix] Prevent a crash if an item is added in the same slot on loading - [Fix] Re-arrange inventories when size is changed - [Fix] Removed a double when changing attach node - [Fix] Prevent storing a container in itself - [Fix] Prevent attaching a part on itself - [Fix] Fixed incorrect checking of volume available when stacking in the same inventory Lot of new features for this update, hope you enjoy it !
  20. Well, I didn't test it, but storing the hangar itself in a container can work That will need 1.1 however (for the inline 20 000L container and the ability to drag parts from the editor scene to container)
  21. Some days after the release of KSP 1.0, depending of how many compatibilities issues I will need to fix.
  22. Don't worry, I taken a look as I say and it's already done for 1.1 3 equip behaviours for moduleKISitem (equipMode) : model : Show model only part : Spawn part (so part modules will run normally) physic : Spawn part and attach it physically to kerbal (useful for parachute, but part will not follow kerbal bones) - - - Updated - - - It's "ModuleKISPartMount". It's the module used for the KIS container mount. - - - Updated - - - Me playing with the new inline 20 000 L storage on 1.1, so much space for building things
  23. Ok I think I understand, the context menu for reading didn't show up from eva with ModuleScienceExperiment (unfortunatly it seem to not allow to be used unfocused). I will take a look to see what I can do about that.
  24. I didn't use this mod, so I wonder why you need to attach the surface experiment on kerbal back ? Why not simply drop it on the ground, take the reading and grab it again ? - - - Updated - - - Well, grabbing part one by one on kerbal back (like KAS) is maybe realistic, but, from a gameplay point of view it's really to complicated to use and not smooth at all. The goal of KIS is to simplify part manipulation by using an inventory with drag & drop capabilities. It's really far more simple to use and I don't think it break fun or immersion, inventories is pretty common in a lot of game. Anyway, carrying object on the backs of Kerbals is always possible if needed, you just need to configure it for the part you want (using the equip/unequip feature). In KIS 1.1, you will also be able to carry small container on back by default (carried container don't take volume in the inventory and are shown on back of the kerbal), you can configure this feature for other parts if needed. - - - Updated - - - Yes. A ground attachable part will be in. EL's stakes will be able to use that feature by using the ModuleKISItemGroundAnchor module - - - Updated - - - Sorry to disappoint you but you will need a wrench or a screwdriver for attaching stuff on ground too. - - - Updated - - - Exactly, pod without internal cause problem. I can't really do something about this because the way KIS handle transfer depend on the internal (checking seats). Also, setting an internal (at least the placeholder) is highly recommended, not having one can cause others problems. To my knowledge, stock KSP didn't have any pod without internal. - - - Updated - - - Thanks for the report, I will take a look.
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