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Everything posted by Kryten

  1. Also it would take about as much effort to put the original boosters back into production as it would be to set up a new design with modern manufacturing techniques. Winding composites is a lot easier than machining steel to that level of precision, and gets you a nice performance boost.
  2. Even in Musk's wildest dreams, it'd probably be centuries the Martian population would be large enough to require this kind of transport infrastructure.
  3. That's a VMC image... it's from a standard RGB CMOS camera originally tacked on to view the Beagle 2 release. It's by far the closest you're over going to get to what you've been raving about all this time, so of course you think it looks wrong.
  4. He says it's near IR. A near IR image would be monochromatic, it's perfectly possible for ice crystals to appear bluish in a standard RGB image, and HRSC has the filters to produce RGB images. Given this image was produced by an amteur for a popular audience, assuming it's false is just the kind of paranoid raving about colour we've all grown to expect from Lajoswinkler.
  5. This is pretty much gibberish. Please go and try and actually learn something about colour imaging before coming up with more of this stuff, there'd be no point even applying 'false colors' to a solely IR image. As for the image, after looking into it a bit more it seems to be transient ice crystals, similar to cirrus clouds on earth. No liquid state necessary.
  6. It's officially known by the rather more prosaic name Marmac 303. Her as-yet-nicknameless sister on the east coast is Marmac 304, and her now-retired predecessor was Marmac 300.
  7. And the download time. Bandwidth isn't easy to come by out there, and these had to share it with the higher-priority LORRI images
  8. Animation of first pseudo-true-colour MVIC images;
  9. Dragon heatshield material would have to be reapplied for reuse.
  10. The next launch is from CCAFS, not Vandenberg. The landing pad there is ready, they just don't have permission to use it.
  11. Both potential landing areas on on USAF property, they want multiple successful barge landings before a land landing attempt. As the next launch attempt is scheduled for the 28th and the new east coast landing barge isn't yet ready, there may not be a landing attempt at all.
  12. No, the pressure still isn't high enough to reach the triple point; the 'fog' was most likely dust. You could theoretically have puddles at the bottom of Hellas Planitia, which is quite a bit deeper, but would still require rare temperature conditions and high salinity.
  13. There are two definitions of the word 'atmosphere'; the first is just some particles gravitationally bound to a body, in which case every planet and most moons has an atmosphere; and the second is an envelope with enough particles for them to significantly collide with each other, which is necessary for them to actually act as a gas. Mercury's exosphere only fits the first definition, and makes no meaningful difference to the surface conditions.
  14. The water ice at Mercury is only stable because it is in craters that are permanently shaded.
  15. Nope . Fairing volume and payload capability both much too low.
  16. Also it has a large enough fairing for it, having been built for dual-launch to GTO of large comsats. Delta IVH could carry it terms of mass, but as it was designed to put somewhat smaller payloads directly into GSO there isn't enough volume available.
  17. Maybe you should write to your congressman.
  18. LauncherOne will almost certainly be for launch of demonstrator units and perhaps a few replacement sats.
  19. Cockroaches have centralised brains like most other insects. You can get some quite complex reflexes, but the tales of them continuing as normal after being decapitated are urban legends. Even if they were true, that'd just mean a relatively diffuse ganglia network; still a CNS, and a far cry from a plant.
  20. They don't, sorry. We can subject to squirrels to e.g. the mirror test, and it's at least theoretically possible for them to do so as they have a central nervous system. Plants have no central processing and will show the exact same behaviour as isolated parts. We could lop off your arm and pump electricity into it and it'd 'respond to that stimulus'-are you going to say your arm is independently sentient? EDIT: Here's the thread. He claims it's not free energy because it would need to be kept cold... which just goes to show he doesn't understand how conservation of energy works.
  21. The point of the carbon-carbon composite is it doesn't ablate. Ablative materials are usually phenolic plastics or cork (yes, the wood).
  22. If we're reducing it to 'reacts to stimuli' then every organism is sentient. It becomes meaningless.
  23. I can't directly quote from locked threads, but this is pretty equivocal; And this bears directly on the validity of these arguments. He's trying to argue from experience, when he's been shown to be willing to make up and keep defending blatantly fictional 'experiences'.
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