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Everything posted by Kryten

  1. You didn't mention those exact words, but you still came up with something that blatantly breaks conservation of energy. The two terms are synonymous.
  2. Is it as much involvement as you've had with Navy free energy magnet machines?
  3. How the hell can you be on this forum of all places and not understand sats for different applications are at different altitudes? We don't have an exact figure for these, but it's certainly a lot closer than GSO.
  4. It's been done, with artificial membranes. It's proteins, not magic. Not the scientific one, so useless in this context.
  5. There's also a European and a Canadian instrument on it (out of four total).
  6. Kryten


    If Arca puts a rocket into orbit I'll eat my hat. They're in the business of promises and flashy concepts, not rocketry.
  7. The engines currently tested are RS-25Ds. The tests are of new controllers they're being fitted with, and higher inlet pressure and lower LOX temperatures associated with use on SLS.
  8. There's been talk at a lot of times and from a lot of people, but nothing more than that. Krunichev were planning to propose a repackaged Energiya called Yenisei 5 for the SHLV program, but that wouldn't have been compatible with Buran.
  9. Kryten

    E3 2015

    Looks like somebody at microsoft pressed the wrong button, and we get some of their E3 presentation a little early; https://www.youtube.com/user/xbox/videos mostly announcement trailers for indie games on Xbone.
  10. Tiangong 2, given that's pretty standard for major Chinese launches.
  11. They're mostly intended to provide service to areas where DSL or fibre optic don't exist, rather than competing with them directly. The initial infrastructure cost at the receiving end would be much lower.
  12. They've been planning this for some time, the news now is that they've actually ordered the sats, from Astrium.
  13. As somebody not old enough to remember it in use, it just looks dated. The style is very 70s.
  14. Kryten

    E3 2015

    Although it's not technically an E3 event, Nintendo have started their 'World Championships' thingy, and the announcer said we'd see 'some games we haven't seen before'.
  15. Or we could go with the existing Iranian system of six months of 31, then five of 30, then one of 29 (30 in a leap year). It also starts on the spring equinox rather than an arbitrary day in mid-winter.
  16. I don't mean what it's supposed to be in-universe, more that it was billed to be this freakish attraction and it's actually just a big theropod with relatively long arms. There's plenty of actual dinosaurs that could've been dropped in with far more interesting anatomy (Deinocherus, actual Spinosaurus, Saurophaganax, any abelisaurid), but that would've required acknowledging paleontology has moved on since 1993.
  17. I still can't get over how painfully generic the hybrid dinosaur is. It's like be a bad T. rex reconstruction from the 70s.
  18. Only imaging spectrometer is an extreme UV one for the atmosphere. Given the speed and distance of the flyby, and the illumination levels at pluto, getting spectra in the visual spectrum at reasonable resolution would be incredibly difficult.
  19. This one. Self-professed palaeontologists who carefully examines grainy photos of fossils (mostly of pterosaurs), manipulates them in Photoshop, and comes up with huge areas of soft tissue preservation or extra bones nobody who's actually examined the fossils can see. He even has his own name for it, 'digital graphic segregation'.
  20. See original context for that image here; that image was produced using only the blue and methane narrow-band (IR) filters.
  21. Well, we're already close enough that we'd have seen his mountain if it existed. Wonder if he'll acknowledge that at all. EDIT: The associated twitter account is still active, and he claims we actually have. Looks very much like an astronomy version of the infamous David Peters.
  22. Then I suppose that makes APL retarded. There's the filters I gave above, and that's the only instrument with any colour capability in the visible range. LORRI is monochromatic and Alice can only detect UV.
  23. Ireland are part of the ESA, although their contribution is fairly minimal.
  24. That's actually Ptichka and a structural test article, pictured quite recently. Note the blank RCS ports on the test article.
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