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Posts posted by Ryugi

  1. Well @Lisias, I think I may have come across another issue.

    I can't say for certain that it's TweakScale, but it MIGHT, maybe, be due to the way that ModuleManager and TweakScale are currently working together when it comes to adding modules to parts etc.  I'm horribly inept when it comes to finding solutions with this sort of thing, and trust me, I've looked all over the place to try and find a solution, and have come up empty-handed.

    The error message in questions is...

    [ModuleSrfFX]: No IThrustProvider module found at index 0!

    Sometimes the index it mentions is 1 or 2 also.  It varies depending on parts I'm using.  This time I have a much larger logfile, sadly.


    There's the link to the Google Drive doc that has everything. This doesn't really crash the game, but it prevents me from using any vehicle with those parts included, and won't even allow me to launch them from the SPH, or even the KSC Runway.  You can see at the bottom of the log that I tried strapping on several different engines to see if they worked, and they didn't.

    The ONLY references I could find to a similar issue was regarding stuff from almost 4-5 YEARS ago, and all that I could gleam from that was something was pointing to a wrong file reference or something and was dealing with part modules, and another mentioned SmokeScreen, which I have updated as well to try and fix things to no avail. 

    Since ModuleManager has a dll to interact with it by you called "Watchdog" I can only assume it is either something tied to TweakScale's interaction with ModuleManager, or ModuleManager's interaction with Tweakscale.  As far as I can tell, the CFGs for the problematic parts are virtually identical to CFGs that worked fine in KSP 1.9.  I've even compared the text of the CFGs between versions myself to confirm it.  So, unless something massive has changed, I'm really at a loss here, and don't know where else to turn for help.

    Hopefully, at least, you can point me in the right direction again.

  2. Quote

    [ModuleSrfFX]: No IThrustProvider module found at index 0!

    I keep getting this error when I try to use the newest NMB engines in 1.10.1.  Even files that worked flawlessly in 1.9 don't seem to work in 1.10.

    Is anyone else having this issue, had this issue, or found a fix for similar issues that might direct me to a means of solving it?


    Logfile included, errors toward the end.

  3. I've gotten some strange error messages in regards to a few OPT engines.  Running on 1.10.1.

    [ModuleSrfFX]: No IThrustProvider module found at index 0!

    Or index 1 or 2 etc.  It's admittedly not JUST OPT parts, but ALSO some NMB engines as well.  I've stripped everything but stock and NMB to test for a fix and I can't find anything.  So, I was wondering if you'd ever run into an issue like this previously.  Parts that worked flawlessly in a 1.9 version of the game don't work for 1.10.1 and there are virtually zero differences between their CFGs.

  4. 23 minutes ago, Lisias said:

    Nah... I think I found a suspect. :P

    On the very last line of the log, I found:

    [ERR 13:16:56.438] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: MiniAVC.XmlSerializers, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

    Since 1.8.0, when KSP changed something on a thingy called AssemblyResolver, MiniAVC is getting a lot of heat because it cannot negotiate anymore the best or newer DLL to be used. There's no other fix but to install ZeroMiniAVC.

    Try this before anything else!

    Downloaded.  The game is currently loading, which is better than it did before.

    Will EDIT after it loads/crashes/whatever.


    That download worked.  Looking at the logs I thought that maybe MiniAVC was the culprit myself, but I wasn't sure since I was seeing the error being tossed from Tweakscale up top.  Everything seems good now, other than a few textures not working, but that's not a Tweakscale issue, and is something I'll have to work with.

    Thanks a ton for your help.  If you hadn't pointed that out, I could have gone through hours of work for no payoff!  I probably would have overlooked the MiniAVC thing entirely.

    Many kudos to you, good sir. :D

  5. 18 minutes ago, Lisias said:

    Wow. The crash is not related to this for sure. The code detects the problem and use defaults instead, no harm is done.

    You have something else borking on you. I will check the KSP.log now.

    The Log was truncated and it's useless. Pastebin does this kind of stunt, unfortunately.

    Please upload it on DropBox, GoogleDrive or something that allows big files to be shared.


    That's actually all I have in my logfile.  It crashes that soon after startup...

    It's looking like I'm going to have to do that super fun thing where I take out mods one by one until I find the culprit.  But it makes me feel better that it's likely not Tweakscale causing the problem. 

    I would hate to have to function without it.

    On the bright side, I'm glad I could offer some help in pointing you to an issue for the next Beta release, even if it's probably not the cause of my problem.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Lisias said:

    I'm an idiot. Sorry.  :blush: [More forgetful than idiot on this case, but the concepts are not mutually exclusive! :P )

    This file is used to configure some niceties on a Add'On by Add'On basis (i.e., you can configure TweakScale to be full ubber verbose on logging, but all the others could be shut up to only warnings - this is interesting for debugging things you know is happening only on one of them), but I forgot to tell the code this thing is optional (as reasonable defaults exists on the code).

    Copy this file from github into <KSP_ROOT>/PluginData to workaround this problem, I'm fixing KSPe to survive the absence of this file.

    About the NMB prop, can you please pinpoint me to where to download it and that are the prop? I need to assess this situation, you may have found something in order to be fixed!

    -- -- POST EDIT -- --

    Don't bother copying the file. I made things right on the code, I just forgot to remove the Error log, as it should be an warning only.

    Just ignore the error message for now. A proper one is being compiled now and I will issue a new release is being issue in the next hour.


    I'll hold off on playing then until the fixed edit/release is available.  Not that I have a choice since my game crashes during loading, but still.  It pays to be patient.

    As far as NMB, it's HUD5, and they think it's something to do with the fact the model is using Chinese text references or something?  As far as I know, it isn't something Tweakscale related, though I DID add Tweakscale modules into some of the NMB parts of my own volition (tasty Flanker intakes and the 3 engines specifically), though I'm fairly certain the mod author added them into the most recent release.  I could be wrong, though.


    You should be able to find the release there if you're interested, though, again, I don't think it's related to Tweakscale, but rather their lack of action on keeping things updated.  It's a shame, since NMB has some of the best parts I've seen for aircraft-building.

  7. c119ae3221ae68a6ba1186685c28c701.png

    So, I got this error message when trying to start up KSP, which is strange because I was able to start up and play once before this with no hassle.  I'm using your Beta @Lisias, since it's the one that was suggested it works for 1.10.1.  I initially had an issue with NMB, but that was resolved (or should be) by deleting one cockpit Prop from the mod.  This happens less than 15 seconds after startup, and I'm no master when it comes to dissecting log files.  Hopefully you can help me!



    Logfile is linked above. =)

  8. 17 hours ago, Manul said:

    IVAs depend on Raster Prop Monitor and RPM will not be updated soon because it has no active developers now. Without IVA view it should work as is.

    I'm not too worried about the IVAs, since I rarely use them.  But the cockpits, engines, and the KBF weapons are things I use frequently.  So, with any luck, those bits will be updated. 


    I haven't yet tried them in 1.8, but I've heard rumors that their textures don't work correctly.

  9. @TheKurgan  You, Sir, are a miracle worker. 


    Never in 1000 years would I have suspected the RCS stat was the thing screwing up my missile config.  I don't know if you changed anything else, but regardless, the missile now fires.  At this point literally everything else I could say is irrelevant compared to just that fact.  Thank you so much for your help and insight.  Myself and my competitors will sincerely thank you for the new toys!  :D

  10. Alright, @jrodriguez and @TheKurgan, I have a missile problem this time around.  Game version is 1.7.3.

    I've made a custom missile using an edited texture and a scaled-down mesh, as well as some CFG editing for the part.  But the thing is that the missile won't fire no matter what I do.  AI locked and loaded?  No dice.  Loaded on a rail?  Won't fire.  Floating and offset?  Won't fire.  Clearance checks turned off?  Still won't fire.  Manually clicking the "Fire Missile" button in the right click menu?  STILL won't fire.  I can jettison the missile and detonate the missile via right click menu.  Those work perfectly.

    I've swapped models in case it was a model issue for some reason, and that didn't fix it.  I looked through the BDA documentation to see if I'd missed something, and it doesn't seem like I have.  I've gone through the CFG as best as my untrained eyes are able and looked for anything I might have missed or glossed over from similar missiles (both heat-seeking and radar-guided) and that didn't fix it either.  Any help you guys can give me would be greatly appreciated.  ;.;

    CFG text linked below in Spoiler Tag.



        // Kerbal Space Program - Part Config

        // --- general parameters ---
        name = QAAM
        module = Part
        author = Kaz

        // --- asset parameters ---
        mesh = AIM9X.mu
        rescaleFactor = 0.8

        // --- node definitions ---
        node_attach = 0.0, 0.06188124, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0
        node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.06188124, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0

        // --- editor parameters ---
        TechRequired = precisionEngineering
        entryCost = 2100
        cost = 1950
        category = Utility
        subcategory = 0
        title = Quick-Maneuver Air to Air Missile (QAAM)
        manufacturer = Kerbelka Technologies
        description = The Quick Maneuver Air-to-Air Missile, or QAAM for short, is a short-medium range all-aspect missile. It has a similar range as standard missiles, but the difference is that the QAAM has vastly superior agility when compared to most radar-guided munitions, and a long cruise phase.  As a result, if it misses the target, the missile will attempt to turn around and chase the target again until it runs out of fuel.  While not as powerful as standard missiles, it makes up for this in sheer tenacity.
        attachRules = 1,1,0,0,1

        // --- standard part parameters ---
        mass = 0.1
        dragModelType = default
        maximum_drag = 0.01
        minimum_drag = 0.01
        angularDrag = 2
        crashTolerance = 5
        maxTemp = 3600

            name = MissileLauncher
            shortName = QAAM
            thrust = 20 //KN thrust during boost phase
            cruiseThrust = 5.5 //thrust during cruise phase
            dropTime = 0.5 //how many seconds after release until engine ignites
            cruiseTime = 30 //seconds of cruise phase
            boostTime = 4 //seconds of boost phase
            guidanceActive = true //missile has guidanceActive
            maxTurnRateDPS = 90 //degrees per second
            audioClipPath = BDArmory/Sounds/rocketLoop
            exhaustPrefabPath = KerbalField/Effects/Exhaust/ExhaustSmallB
            boostExhaustPrefabPath = BDArmory/Models/exhaust/mediumExhaust  
            boostTransformName = boostTransform
            boostExhaustTransformName = boostTransform
            optimumAirspeed = 550
            aero = true
            liftArea = 0.015
            steerMult = 18
            maxTorque = 75
            torqueRampUp = 85
            maxAoA = 70
            aeroSteerDamping = 6
            homingType = aam
            missileType = missile
            targetingType = radar
            maxOffBoresight = 270
            lockedSensorFOV = 120
            radarLOAL = false
            engageAir = true
            engageMissile = false
            engageGround = false
            engageSLW = false
            minStaticLaunchRange = 100
            maxStaticLaunchRange = 25000
            activeRadarRange = 26000
            decoupleSpeed = 5
            decoupleForward = false

            hasRCS = true
            rcsThrust = 20
                key = 0    0
                key = 10 0    
                key = 15 0
                key = 20 0.325
                key = 40 1.953
                key = 80 3.125
                key = 160 5            
            name = BDExplosivePart
            tntMass = 10



  11. Alright, @Eidahlil / @TheKurgan I have another question, though, it's a bit off topic, and I apologize.

    Is there any way you guys might be able to get me into contact with @SpannerMonkey(smce) regarding the use of one of his models/parts, or ask him for permission to use one?  Just one.

    I'm interested in using the X32ABL model and basic CFG for a BDA weapon modpack I'd like to release eventually.  I don't want to put his work out there without permission, though, since I know there was a huge thing about that recently.  I have access to the mod since I was able to get it prior to it being removed from his thread, but I'm not gonna jump the gun and release my own tweaks publicly without his blessing.  If he's unwilling or unable, I understand.  But, in my case, it is just a single part, and there is literally no other part/model that works as well as his does for what I'd like to release.

  12. 9 hours ago, BOBBER said:

    Could I ask what the improvements are?

    Lighter weight to match Kerbal scale. 
    Different thrust and performance curves for each engine depending on altitude and speed. 
    More overall power/thrust due to those curves, along with a little more fuel consumption as a result.
    Adding the newer engine exhaust plumes from the WS-10 to the older 2 engines. 
    All engines and the Flanker intake have Tweakscale compatibility.
    New sounds for the 2 older engines!

    I think that's basically everything.

  13. So, a while back I said I was working on some custom configs for the NMB Engines and adding Tweakscale to them and the Flanker Intake.  Well, I'm finished!  These might not be for everyone, as they are certainly an "improvement" on the base stats and could be considered overpowered by some, but I find them to be a real breath of fresh air, and a lot of fun.  They also feature tweaked visuals for the exhaust plumes, and even new sounds based on the actual sounds these engines make in real life (though not perfect).  I leave them here for anyone to do with as they please.  Enjoy!

    Download Link: https://mega.nz/#!7eBxACwT!Zif4TRBExz_ZgDmpu1xv717FEe-aXzfsqNZI3Ke8AGk

    Just unzip the contents into your existing GameData folder and replace.  Confirmed to work in 1.7.3 as well!

  14. 10 hours ago, TheKurgan said:

    Just remember, if you use insane projectile speeds, the damage it does is controlled by the bulletMass in the bullet config.

    Hope that helps :)

    This setup is eventually what I wound up using on my own, along with a "semi-fixed" gun that has like a 2-3 degree gimbal range to account for a small cone of accuracy.  It wound up working quite well along with a fairly strong but very localized (1 meter radius) explosive "bullet" to make it sound cool when it rips things apart.  It effectively behaves like being struck by a missile, but it's a gun.  Very nasty bit of work.



        name = EMLSlug
        caliber = 100
        bulletVelocity = 10000
        bulletMass = 2.50
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = True
        tntMass = 40
        blastPower = 50
        blastHeat = 50
        blastRadius = 1
        apBulletMod = 10
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate

    Thank you for the insight, though, and the reply. :)

  15. 27 minutes ago, SuicidalInsanity said:

    Yes, but not without a custom recompile of BDAc

    Yikes...  That's certainly above my pay grade, so to speak.  I mean, the fact that it's possible at all is cool, but a code-master I am not.  I'm lucky enough that my knowledge of the CFGs etc has gotten me as far as it has in getting these things working at all.  But a completely customized BDAc is way beyond my level of experience, and I don't trust my ability.

    That said, AoE damage based on a percentage of the laserDamage value within a radius sounds neat.  Maybe something for a future edition, perhaps.

    Thank you for the prompt response.

  16. Alright, it's me, back again with another question for @TheKurgan and @Eidahlil.

    Is it possible to have a weapon identified as a "laser" weapon (for the "hitscan style" travel time) vs a "ballistic" weapon, and STILL have it have an AoE damage effect upon hitting a target? 

    Basically, I'm attempting to simulate an incredibly fast, large cooldown, static-mounted, railgun-style, projectile weapon similar to the EML (Electromagnetic Launcher) from Ace Combat.  I've already tried this with a standard projectile style weapon, with a hilarious muzzle velocity etc, however, due to the nature of the weapon, it is incredibly unreliable when fired, and very rarely hits what it is aiming at.  I can tone down the AoE damage so it doesn't 1-shot anything it hits (for balance reasons), but I want to know if this is even possible.

    Currently, I have it hooked up to fire customized ammunition etc, and it will fire only if it has that ammo in stock, like a normal gun, despite it effectively being classed as a laser.  But it only managed to deal decent damage once I gave it a large "laser damage" modifier, because, well, it's still defined as a "laser" not a "ballistic" weapon, and doesn't use the damage values or explosive radius etc of the linked ammunition, though it does still add weight to the craft.

    Ideally, I'd like for this weapon to travel "instantly" like a laser, but immediately overheat so it goes into a long cooldown, but if the "projectile" hits a target, it will deal damage in a small AoE around the impact point rather than just a pinprick like a normal laser.

    So, is this something that's currently possible, and if so, how would it be done?

  17. I have a question.

    Is there a bit in the CFG that determines the hitbox of a projectile?  Like, there's the tracer and such, but, for example, say I wanted to make a projectile fired from a gun have a hitbox of approximately 5 meters.  Or, let's say I wanted to have a laser weapon fire a continuous beam with a hitbox of 5 meters. 

    Is there a way to accomplish that in the files, or is that limited to pinprick-pinpoint accuracy?

    EDIT: The only thing I can think of is giving the bullet a hilariously huge caliber in the CFG, but I don't think that's how it works, is it?

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