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Everything posted by Frederf

  1. I never knew that you can duplicate a part with right click. It's nice to bring up a copy of something without digging back through parts. Little things like this.
  2. Gotta agree. DR2 seems to aim to make atmosphere and heat a concern on re-entry. If you can avoid reentry burn up by some 20G nosedive into the atmosphere steeply then I think any problem with that should be addressed to the mod that occupies itself with accelerations and Kerbal comfort. If it takes two mods to define the upper and lower boundaries of reentry then so be it. If DR2 tackles the other boundary then we'll soon complain that life support needs to be implemented to prevent the quadruple atmo skip profile. Let's keep the mods focused and modular to maximize the customizability and not overwhelm the authors.
  3. I've always always always wanted a selection of parachutes of various drags and opening heights. Maybe a metal chute that can handle the high speeds of the upper atmosphere or a large drifter that opens at 20,000m for long duration measurements. The stock and even mod values leave huge gaps, especially the shock of opening from 5 to 500 drag at 500m. So dull.
  4. It'll be in the persistence file. I don't know the structure too well but here's a tip: 1. Construct the type of satellite you want and put one in any orbit. 2. Find the existing sats and strip out the entire vessel section and paste the satellite you want in as an entire vessel. That should merge the orbital information of the existing sat with the design of your desired sat.
  5. One thing you can do is have a non-throttle engine (solid) with a throttleable engine offbalance to achieve balance.
  6. Think I got multiple MM mods working. Tanks/engines was but nothing else. I think I had an old version of the dll that didn't auto-include the other folders.
  7. It has something to do with module manager. I'm trying to figure out how it works. I might have some earlier version that didn't have the global dll
  8. 265. We rarely confuse yards with meters.
  9. One thing I noticed some time back is the tracked dV would increase while you were full throttle no matter if the engine was deactivated. I'm trying to use the module manager version to apply remotetech values to the default antennae but it's not working so far. Does anyone have a tip on how to check if I've done it correctly?
  10. For fun and a bit more Earth solar system feel I changed my speed of light to be scaled to the Kerbol system. I divided the speed of light by the ratio of the earth-sun distance to the kerbol-kerbin distance. For those curious the number came out to 27253856 m/s (~9.1% of default). So far Kerbin-Mun communications are approx 2 sec delayed and I'm enjoying it.
  11. Is it possible to have a remove part button? One of the biggest annoyances is getting a part stuck in another part and having to trash it to clear the error.
  12. Until threads are split per subject matter I'll do it all here. ModuleManager: Excellent value there. It's definitely the direction KSP needs for how to manipulate config. It reminds me a lot of the config structure for OFP/ArmA mods. One thing it allowed that I don't see here is defining new classes as sub of an existing class. This lets core modifications affect an entire tree of parts which centralizes changes. The other is altering config (or instance thereof) during runtime which is a big project. ModularFT: This is great. I've had a look into the code and your method of assigning masses and capacities is properly dynamic without a lot of hardcoded values but avoids unnecessary complexity. Balance-wise I feel your weight penalties for the tare weight of the fuel tank part as well as the mass fraction of the resource containers is too generous. Perhaps the resource containers could have a penalty of the ax+b type with a static b representing necessary plumbing and an a*x that is quantity-scaled (possibly by area that contains the volume which is I think VOLUME^2/3). The LH2 leakage is similarly not strong enough a penalty I feel. A 6400u fuel tank took perhaps a kerbal year to leak. As a player I would find it a non-factor unless I was on a journey of at least 10 days which is rare. I wonder if the leakage could be made non-constant and/or temperature-dependent. Oh and some reference table or function for filling fuel and oxidizer in the appropriate ratio would be very helpful when setting up tanks.
  13. LOL @ space theater Also, you can drag maneuver nodes!?!?!?!?!?! AAAAAAhhhhhrrhggghhh
  14. KSP "Pro" Player - n. - One who has never quicksaved. Ever. See also: AWESOME
  15. Does anyone know the scale height of the Earth v Kerbin atmosphere and the typical burn out altitude for the STS SRBs v Kerbal SRBs? Maybe it's in good scale.
  16. Homeworld was always prized to me for it's presentation. In a world where video games were always Teh Fast and Teh Furioust, Homeworld was like something directed by Stanley Kubric. Pacing was deliberate, storytelling was naturally integrated, the story itself felt immediate to the gameplay, excellent aesthetic, excellent score, good plot. The UI and controls were minimal, appropriate, and fluid. One of the most graceful games in practice.
  17. I've heard that ASAS doesn't handle if the COM and COT are reversed from normal.
  18. I use Jonesoft Generic Mod Enabler. It's a simple program that applies mods by moving files and allows them to be added and removed easily. It even warns about two mods modding the same original file and dependencies.
  19. The ease of return has to do with the asymmetry of the atmosphere fighting you during liftoff and helping you on landing as well as your ascent being a jillion times lighter which you can get away with since you don't need to do a powered descent. Without atmosphere you'd use the the fuel landing in any gravity well than you would taking off from it. As long as you did the same path there's a tremendous symmetry in flying any mission backward or forward. Mass changes are of course not symmetrical. Oberth effect is perhaps best understood by comparing how much 1 delta-v buys you in terms of orbital energy at various speeds. Changing from 0 m/s to 1 m/s increases your kinetic energy by m/2 since it is 1/2m1^2 - 1/2m0^2. Call m/2 one "unit" of energy. Compare the energy change from 1000 m/s to 1001 m/s. This is (in m/2 units) equal to 1001^2 - 1000^2 which is 2001. By spending your delta-v at the faster speed you got two thousand times the orbital energy from it. The efficiency of your burn (work per fuel) is proportional to the speed you're going when you do it.
  20. Is there a Keticulating Splines one? Oooo, or You will go to space today?
  21. I have an OCD obsession with removing debris. Unfortunately I've killed several successful flights trying to manually edit the persistence file. I design my missions to free return or otherwise destroy debris (usually not into a non-kerbin body) but some failed launches seem to leave things even after end flight.
  22. See, that's where I'm not so sure. Perhaps there's some back door way to get around what is fundamentally addition and still achieve the same result. If successful I imagine it's difficult to prove because our definitions of words aren't as rigorous as the mathematics that those words describe.
  23. It makes me wonder if the concept known as addition is unique to the performance of the job it does. In other words, is there any other operation which gets the same result as addition that isn't? If not then addition spans its own operation space and is complete leaving no room for an alternative.
  24. Yeah I have Ferram but if it's DR or Ferram, FAR stays. I can still reenter safely just with a smaller margin. I also think FAR makes mechjeb not be able to calculate ship drag.
  25. I used to use a reentry mod that had an expendable ablative shield that would deteriorate depending on heat and time. If you were too hot for too long it would deplete the material and it would fail. If you entered too steeply the peak temperature or peak G would be too high and it would fail. The goal became to use the shield material up to spread out the energy of the interface over a long time without using it all. Deadly Reentry seems a lot more simplistic. As far as I can tell it just has a temperature and no durability so the goal is to keep the stress on the shield low and make the duration as long as possible. With D.E. you want shallow angles (~5 degrees) at the atmo interface with minimal orbital energy (100x40km for example). There's no such thing as too shallow here. Apollo also had lift created by the shape of the capsule so the attitude of the craft affected its path. The lift kept the craft from plunging too rapidly into thicker layers below and maintaining a desired deceleration for longer.
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