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Everything posted by ouion

  1. i suggest the Rus-M launch vehicle series and it will fit perfectly with the Prospective Piloted Transport System
  2. I would prefer SB Plugin,Bobcats soviet pack,and KSPX stock pack.
  3. awesome now try to deorbit it
  4. Hello guys This is a thread about the most beautiful space scenery you ever take please post guys:D
  5. Sub assembly savers and kosmos pack,bobcats soviet pack.
  6. nope, my account was made in early august.
  7. solar panels when the 0.18 came out and i saw solar panels i was like "finally yes"
  8. you know guys you can pretend kerbin is the size of earth. It doesn't matter if its small at least you can use your imagination to dream if its big as earth and i don't know why people don't use there imagination ?
  9. deorbiting the Msr-1the most epic reentry and brutal one of all:cool:
  10. hey i also spotted a object during reentry and i didn't know what was it and when i go to map view its not debris:confused: The first thing pop into my mind was a unidentified flying object or you can call it a ufo
  11. can you just ask novasiliko
  12. [ATTACH=CONFIG]34052[/ATTACH] this is 0.16 picture when i am testing interplanetary travel:D
  13. i use winrar,but when you use it this annoying popup say you need to buy is just nothing.it is only for a upgrade just hit close and it still work ok Wesmark:)
  14. [ATTACH=CONFIG]33955[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]33954[/ATTACH] hi this is awesome the mun one is a sussceful failure
  15. so the ''aliens''are trying to destory kerbin.this is my theory about the image.i think the aliens are the creator of kerbals and then the kerbals rebel against them.so they send this ''magic boundler'' to kerbin to destory the kerbal.
  16. go to jool seach for sstv signals
  17. probably the signals have conections with the monoiths
  18. dude every russian pack has be discontiueed,except kosmos this is my favorite mod.
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