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Everything posted by Wjolcz

  1. Who is this guy ^^^Edit: Imagine it's all in caps^^^
  2. It just struck me: so some people were asking about that unlocking parts and stuff in sandbox. And what I think is that we will have all the parts fully upgraded in sandbox mode. But don't quote me on that. It's just a thought of mine.
  3. Not sure about that, but I think we will be able yo spend research point on upgrading the parts we have.
  4. no to słabo bo ja czekam tylk odlatego że wcześniej nie dlatego że po polsku, bo angielski dobrze znam.
  5. Why do people try to push their snake-like vessels?! I really don't understand that. It is way easier to do the train thingy. Just as Rune said. Build it like this:
  6. I really hope for some parts redesign. 3-man pod and the plane parts. No offense towards C7. They used to be very cool back in the days but now they just don't fit the style of the game anymore.
  7. When the bug happened to me I just undocked something that was docked to the bugged section of my IPV, docked somewhere else and I was ready to go. I think... All I remember was undocking stuff and docking them back again. And it worked. The bugged port fixed itself after all that shenanigas.
  8. Designed to have fun. Even when in wheels-up position can be flipped back and continue it's joy ride. Tested on Duna. Too bad those tires have poor grip in low gravity ;_;
  9. You sir. I like you a lot. Especially Fuel is very appropriate for this game and rocks the hell out.
  10. How do you land such small thing on the runway? I can't even lift off when I build a small craft like that.
  11. Czemu nasz Kerbal ma takie polaczkowate wąsy? :L Mam nadzieje żę dzisiaj też przed oficjalnym będzie.
  12. I've also noticed that when you have lagsbane turned ON when on launchpad you can just do 4x physics accelerate and then back to 1x the slowness magically disappears!
  13. Just a suggestion: Could you we have an option to transfer other fuels into kethane?
  14. Here. take a look at this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/42098-Modular-Manned-Extraplanetary-Vessels-Mk-II My laptop isn't designed for gaming of any sort, but it handles building stuff like this pretty well.
  15. How did I not notice this thread earlier? Here are my 3 little ships I made :3 Nebulon Stratus Kilmister
  16. Is there any way to have sattelites scan for kethane without being focused on them all the time?
  17. Ok, so today I fell in love with Kethane. And I think I'm gonna make YET another thread but in Mission Reports section this time. The same save file. The same ships. And THAT is why I made them modular. I just attach Kethane stuff to them and I'm good to go. No redesigning needed. I'm smart :3 This thread will be probably abandoned If 0.22 won't have resources in it.
  18. Polski weekly przed oficjalnym. No spoczi.
  19. Water pipe leads to the water tower by the launch pad.
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