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Everything posted by Wjolcz

  1. Bored of stationary stations? Build a mobile one!
  2. I built Macey a Medical Ship with a rescue pod that can save some stranded in space war victims and bring it back to the ship. And I'm going to send it to him as soon as I insert this thing into a stable orbit around Layhte :3
  3. But I want it to be visible and nice ;_; Also, It's all one craft built in 2 hours or so.
  4. So 0.21 is out, and I love starting fresh every update, I've decided to rebuild some stuff from 0.20. It's basically "Go there and do it as you want it to be done" Mission Kit Here's previous thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/36214-Manned-Extraplanetary-Vessels And rockets I use to lift stuff up into orbit: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/33381-0-20-2-Zenith-rocket-family-%28modernised-for-0-20-x-with-perfect-subassembly%29 Still don't know where to send this thing and how to name it. Any ideas? I was thinking about Laythe as my destination. But untill that happens I will add 2 planes to it with refuelling booms. I will make that probably tomorrow. EDIT: Album fixed
  5. People seem to think the old SAS is still a SAS, but it is not. It doesn't stabilize you anymore. It's something Scott built in one of his Spy Sat videos. Reaction wheels to slowly rotate the craft. ASAS works fine for me.
  6. Starting all over again is fun, I think. I delete my saves every update to keep me fresh and full of "How to make the previous thing better?" ideas.
  7. New plane parts, and re-done 3-man cockpit by Artyom. Edit: Oh, and It's not like I hate C7's parts. They were the first mod I've ever downloaded and I liked it, but now they kinda don't fit, don't ya think?
  8. I'm wondering if Macey is going to accept modular stuff. The only things he has been sending so far were to-orbit-in-one-go big ships. What o you guys think? I mean, he has to build a space station someday, right?
  9. How do you know? If it's true they'll make me really happy.
  10. If this has alcohol in it, I will drink it!
  11. To dock you need to match orbits. The Pe and Ap must be the same.
  12. THe system they have now is much better than the forum storms every update like we had back in 0.14. It works, we wait a bit more but we get a bugless game and we can prepare for what's coming instead of reading the manual every time there's a new thing implemented.
  13. Oh, Cupcake. You're haviing way too much fun with this game Great work. I love the train. Choo, Choo!
  14. why hate mods? i just don't use them
  15. Zenith Rockets are stock. You just need to put them into the right game folder
  16. Zenith Rocket Family. Simply load the rocket you want. Detach the rocket. Delete current main Control Pod and start building.
  17. I put together all the not used stuff orbiting Duna today. From top to bottom: Spider Lander MEV Caucasus MEV Taurus Spare fuel tank DAV Triton Just waiting there unmanned for new shift to come and extend the Outpost. Craft Files: http://speedy.sh/7EDDt/Sections
  18. Remember that Outpost in the first post? It was a real *beep!* to land. I foollishly decided to land the whole section in one piece. I recommend setting action groups for undocking the ports betwen sections and parachutes. I forgot about that and had to panically switch between everything like 1km above the surface. And I start too many sentences with "I".
  19. And here's something completely different. I always wanted to put those in one place. My very first space station I built when docking was implemented. After that I built The Big Y station and deorbited the old one, because it was lagging horribly. Of course this one had too many parts as well. So in the next version of KSP I rebuilt it with less parts, though I have no pics of Mk2 on this computer ._.
  20. So many replies :3 You guys made me happy. Ixolate industries: I love the ship! Here's another update: DAV Triton with 10 kerbals on board. Approaching MEV Atlas After transfering the crew Triton docks to the empty fuel tank of Atlas to take it to one of the refuelling stations in the orbit of Dune Here's how it looks right now. Pretty small but still cool. About the craft files: I'll try to post them later. Do I need to use dropbox or something?
  21. Oh man if only these parts were stock ;_;
  22. I meant this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/33381-0-20-2-Zenith-rocket-family-%28modernised-for-0-20-x-with-perfect-subassembly%29?highlight=zenith+rocket But now I see how you're doing it and in my opinion you sir deserve a medal. Recreating the whole history of rocket engineering is really time consuming and challenging. Even more than goals I set for myself.
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