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Everything posted by Wjolcz

  1. Here, have this as another idea for a colony ship From left to right: deatachable fuel tank (to save mass after it runs out) -> interplanetary drive -> lander -> 2 habbitation modules -> rover to drive around. This thing has about 3500 units of dV, although landing was a bit tricky. I left the drive in the orbit so I can redock it and refuel the lander, or something. Not a big colony because I wanted it to be not laggy. Bear in mind theres also the lander but I sent it back to space to refuel it. The best thing about this is that it's made out of modules docked together, so you can always rebuild it or change the combination in-flight. Aaaaaand I forgot to take another flag before leaving Kerbin so every kerbal there has the same pirate flag :L
  2. More Interplanetary Ships! This is the second one I built
  3. You can put you vehicle in retrograde orbit. Then you can burn on the light side of the planet.
  4. Alright guys! I calculated stuff correctly this time and found out that that thing actually had 3500 m/s of Delta V! Went to Duna on one tank only! xD Great thanks for help anyway!
  5. Yeah, I noticed that only because my rocket... erm... fell over xD
  6. everything in ksp is 11 times smaller at least kerbin and its moon
  7. then how do i calculate that? BTW I want this little baby go all the way to Duna: And no, I don't want to use any mods to do that
  8. That is the question. I found a delta v calculator on the internets and I'm not sure about the number of engines. So when I have 3 LV-Ns do I sum their ISP together? Maybe I'll just toss it here: 87 tons 70 after the burn 3 engines, every single one of them has 800 ISP and this is the calc: http://www.strout.net/info/science/delta-v/
  9. In 0.20 the mod screws symmetry. It copies some parts twice and on the launchpad they hang in the air around the rocket or even in the rocket. Also are in different positon than they were in VAB
  10. That. That explains everything.
  11. Batteries and glass weight a lot.
  12. Can I request a vector styled flag with a skull and ace of spades symbol on it? :3
  13. It's because of the position of the sun. It's low over the horizon and the shadows look wierd.
  14. Actually I've deleted my quicksave.sfs file. I'll see if that changed anything, but not now. Probably tomorrow.
  15. Oooooh... That sucks. At least i took some pics before completely destrying it .
  16. I hit F5 accidentally because I wanted to hit F9 to reload the last quicksave. And it was not one piece station to just get it back up there using HyperEdit :/ Scott in his vids mentioned many times how he edited save files to get his stuff back into the game, so there must be some way to retrieve it.
  17. The title says all, but here's the story: So I just finished this little pretty station around Kerbin orbit: Then I decided to move Sabersky (the ship) from my other Refuelling Station on a lower orbit: While slowing down to dock I... Well... I crashed into the first station. Here's a pic of some remainings: And then i clicked F5 and have no idea how to edit stuff to get back my save file. Pwease halp ;_;
  18. yup. i wanted it to look like that
  19. Boop! The flag generator is a bit limited :,(
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