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Everything posted by BlueSubstance

  1. But now i released the Rover Muninity. It looks more like the real Curiosity. I'm writing the topic at the moment.
  2. Thanks! Yes the Mars is Missing. Maybe in the next updates. :/
  3. Sorry i dont know why the spoiler isn't working. :/
  4. I present you, the Kerusity! Top Speed: 56.5 m/s on Kerbin. It is perfect to drive on the Kerbin. I never tested it on the Mun or Minimus. Now, some pictures. In front of it. Again. The Camera. The helpful Landing Legs. The.. top of it. Required Mods: -Mechanical Mouse Industries (For The Pod, Landing Legs.) -Multiversal Mechatronics (For the Camera.) -Damned Robotics (For the Turning Camera.) -Bigtrak (For the Light and the Wheels.) Thanks for Reading this topic. Download: VVV
  5. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/15757-KSP-0-17-Update That is it.
  6. But its really fragile. If you drive to fast, it will explode..
  7. I just build a really small rover. With only 2 wheels, and functional Camera.
  8. Can you give us a Craft. file? :3
  9. Can you create only the parts of the rover? (Wheels, Camera, Energy Panels...) I really like this mod.
  10. Nice! Can you create Rover Parts? (Wheels, The Head with the Camera, and the Solar Panels to get Energy. For the wheels. I know that is a complex thing. )
  11. Looks Nice! Can you take a picture while flying?
  12. Thank you so much! I always wanted to have something like that! Youre the best! Thanks!
  13. Can you do for me a space station with some ways to walk in it? With the Kerbals i mean. You can use any mods. And a challenge for you. -The SpaceStation is also a Munstation. It can be land on the mun. And you can escape in space with it, again. You are allowed to use Mechjeb! Can you do it? That is a very hard challenge. But remember! It should be a big station like the Colossus space station! :D Thanks to you if you do that.
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