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Posts posted by EndlessWaves

  1. I find the idea of empty tanks at liftoff useful in some instances. If I am launching a big interplanetary craft, I may decide to have the craft's tanks empty to make it much lighter, so a smaller ascent stage can get it into orbit

    Only if you leave the fuel in the interplanetary craft completely untouched. If you launch with full fuel tanks and string a fuel line so the fuel is burned by the ascent stage then you'll end up with a much lighter, smaller craft overall than using empty tanks.

  2. This is technically the plugin development thread so config file questions are rather off topic (at least, those not concerning plugins). General or add-on development would be a better place.

    But to answer the question.

    ModuleEngines specifies fuel consumption in ISP. This is essentially mass flow per unit of thrust.

    So as fuel consumption is specified as this the litres of fuel consumed per second depend on the mass of the fuel and the thrust of the engine. Increasing engine thrust does increase fuel consumption, and trying to run on a fuel without any mass (e.g. electricity) doesn't work because the module in question doesn't know how to calculate fuel use for a massless fuel.

    atmosphereCurve specified the ISP values for the engine at different atmosphere densities (or possibly pressures, the difference isn't big). If you want an engine that goes further then you need to increase the second column of values.

  3. Nobody's really messed about with modifying the asset files yet, squad hasn't released tools to open them and they're supposedly specific to the version of unity of the current build of the game (although how specific I don't know).

    As a workaround, you should be able to write a plugin that changes the sound files you're interested in though.

  4. edit: yeah the G key fixed it. Odd, I didnt assign it and read through every page of the thread and your the first person to mention it..

    It toggles the motor, I thought setting that up to the landing gear key by default would be fairly intuitive but I've heard a couple of comments on it so I might remove the default assignment for the next version.

    You "REALLY" need to give an update with cfg's that we can modify the suspension spring and dampening rates.... PLEASE.

    All that sort of thing is still wide open, so if you think they should be stiffer/slower they can quite easily be changed for the main release.

    The tiny tracks and the version 3 I believe, NEED more suspension travel. I played with the small version for an hour just running it over the Runway on and off watching the travel. So PLEASE, give me a way to adjust these settings and add a bit more throw to the other 2 versions.

    I carefully set them up to get the maximum suspension travel out of the model, any further and the suspension pistons would come out of their sockets or the wheels collide with parts of the frame. There's no point providing adjustable suspension travel in the config files, although most of the stuff is in place for in-game suspension height adjustment to make docking and similar easier.

    edit: One last thing, what are the chances of getting a reverse drive direction in the gui?

    Short of a clunky custom GUI there's no obvious place to put such indicators now stuff generally has been moved off the staging bar so I'll probably wait until squad re-add the functionality. All of the action groups have on/off status anyway, they just lack indicators at the moment, so if anyone makes a general mod to show action group status it should work fine with this.

  5. 0.18 did transfer a lot of the stock parts over to new stock modules, and all of the forum information about that was lost in the forum crash in April so that's most of the cause of your difficulties.

    As you're not familiar with the PartModule system it sounds like you're troubleshooting GameObjects and config files (as it was common in plugins long before November) so answers will tend to be fairly simple if you go ahead and ask the questions here.

    I don't know the difference between Decoupler and DecouplerGUI, both are legacy part-derived classes. ModuleJettison is used for the stock fairings.

  6. Say you have two vessels that are docked. According to the old docs, the two vessels merge into one.

    Is there any way to tell which component parts used to belong to vessel Alfa and which component parts used to belong to vessel Bravo?

    I do seem to remember the devs mentioning a stub vessel type class that retained original vessel information (name etc.) when docked.

    Unfortunately I don't remember where it was stored. If you've looked through the vessel and part classes for references then you could try grabbing the components on the docking nodes or current root part and see if there is anything there that looks likely:

    foreach(Component aComponent in aPart.gameObject.GetComponents<Component>())
    if(aComponent.GetType().ToString() != "UnityEngine.Transform")

  7. As for #1, are you trying to change the orientation by rotating the object that has the part tools attached in unity? If that is the case then it won't work as that rotation doesn't seem to be exported by the part tools, you either need to rotate a child object (e.g. the RATO18 object in this example) or re-export the model from your modelling program (make sure to freeze/reset transforms if applicable).

  8. You just have to add an empty gameobject and name it thrustTransform(capitalization is very important). Then you just place it so that the y axis is pointing in the direction you want to thrust.

    A) thrustTransform is just the name the stock ModuleEngine using parts use, the actual name doesn't matter. All that matters is that it's identical to what you have in the thrustVectorTransformName field in the config.

    B) thrustTransform is the stock term used for for ModuleEngines, which uses the negative Z axis for the direction of thrust, the Y axis is used by ModuleRCS, where the corresponding name used on the stock parts is 'RCSthruster' (although of course, you can name if thrustTransform if you like as long as you specify that in the config file as well).

  9. First you could create a part that has normals on both sides, no collision mesh and the clouds texture.

    Next you either create a plugin to put it in orbit of the planet and make it spin or some type of edit for the persistence file.

    No. Part rendering cuts off at 5km or something.

    I don't quite see what advantage you'd have from attaching part components over just spawning the model.

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