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Everything posted by whatisthisidonteven

  1. I don't see any real reason why it should break craft files. I don't think the root part system has been totally overhauled, it just allows things other than command pods to be designated as the root part.
  2. I used it a lot before the kraken was mostly fixed, I still quicksave out of habit but I've hardly ever used the load since that kraken fix.
  3. There's nothing to this thread other than you being a prick, really. Sorry for being so blunt, but it's true. All posts like yours do is discourage new players from engaging with the community so they feel left out. Maybe they were going to ask a question but didn't because they thought they'd just get laughed at for being a "noob", etc. You get my point. I'm a long time FPS player (10+ years) and that's not really true. You're referring to the Call of Duty audience instead of FPS players in general.
  4. I agree, there's some really strong irony here when I look at the recent posts of some of these guys. I mean come on guys, you're going to get all uppity over some new people coming to the forums when you still rely on mechjeb to do basic orbital maneuvers for you? If that isn't the pot calling the kettle black then I don't know what is. Getting more players is a great thing, there's nothing bad about new people coming and hopefully learning a few things from the game. Those who really don't want to learn will simply go away, I doubt anyone not interested in the game is going to make threads hating on it. I'm sure Squad appreciates the extra sales these youtubers bring in too - Nothing wrong with more money!
  5. I'm pretty sure you can tell it to go to Eeloo and it will go to Eeloo without any user interaction.
  6. Moho was originally going to be covered in lava on the side facing the Sun, iirc.
  7. So why not make modding planets more accessible so those of us that do want it can have it? Forgive me if there's some technical reason as to why that can't be done, but it seems to make sense to open planets up to modding as much as possible. Also you could easily add higher warp speeds. And physics isn't my strong point, but aren't orbital speeds also higher if the body is the same size of Earth? Like instead of just over 2km/s it's about 7km/s instead.
  8. But the planet's gravity is exactly the same, so I think it is not ridiculous to assume the planet would also not be made out of an impossibly dense material.
  9. It would be big if you were playing a normal game, but this is a space game, and for a space game Kerbin is small. Kerbin is smaller than the Moon, to give you an idea of how small it is.
  10. At least make planets more open to modding then so those of us that do want 1:1 planets can have them then. Considering mods are what keep games alive, you should make it as open to modding as possible. The new game database system should help with making planets moddable if I understand it right. You people can tell me to "go back to Orbiter" all you like - KSP and Orbiter are fundamentally different games. They both feature space and that is the only similarity. I don't like having "lolorbiter" thrown at me whenever I suggest anything that could make the game a bit more realistic. No, I don't want a super realistic space simulator, but to suggest that the gas giant should not only be as big as our Earth is not ridiculous.
  11. There's little real reason to actually start a colony on the Moon and Mars. They would still be dependent on Earth for resources and stuff. It's going to be decades before we could feasibly run a self-sustaining colony on Mars/Moon.
  12. I don't justify it because I've yet to kill or strand a kerbal in my main save in 0.19. It's more satisfying to put kerbals on other worlds. Also when 0.20 comes, I assume probes can't plant flags, so that's another reason to do manned missions.
  13. You're exploiting a broken game mechanic, it is by definition an exploit.
  14. If you've lost or corrupted one of your stock parts just say which one and I'll upload it for you
  15. God no, Pewdiepie is a moron that gets his views from kids by screaming "RAPE" into a mic over some scary games in some ridiculous forced accent.
  16. Stacking intakes is an exploit, pure and simple. If you have to stack intakes to complete the challenge, then perhaps you should look into alternative designs or just realise that you're not so good at constructing spaceplanes.
  17. The challenge isn't really stock if you let people use mechjeb.
  18. It looks nice, but it's not as functional as some of the alternatives. Briton here, we're planning on outfitting our carriers with drones mostly. They can do pretty much anything the F-35 can do, just with smaller payloads. We'll retain a fleet of F-35s on the new QE carriers, but for the most part it's going to be drones. This is the drone we're using:
  19. I tend to judge a group by its majority. And it's just that the majority of furries I've met have not been that sort of person. You'd be hard pressed to find a furry community that isn't full of the weird ones. But anyway, I think this argument is over. If the furries want to post here then I have no problem - Better they post here than everywhere else anyway.
  20. Ok, so you believe that you're a fox or whatever? That's just called being delusional. It might not be as bad as a sexual fetish, but you should probably still seek professional psychiatric help.
  21. Thanks for that constructive reply that contributed exactly nothing to the argument.
  22. I'm just saying because to most of these people, nice is only worshipping the devs, anything else is bad or trolling.
  23. The idea that you are only allowed to post if it's agreeing with what the devs say is a ridiculous one. It's a discussion forum, not a hugbox. Yes, personal attacks on devs is not ok, but you are giving the impression that anything that's not "oh yes definitely, I agree, you're so great" is frowned upon. Considering all we've had in the past few weeks is a screenshot or two of flags, I wouldn't say they're being very open. They are still being very secretive about KSP Weekly and the streams.
  24. The article is just trying to sugarcoat the fact that it's a weird sexual fetish.
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