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Everything posted by tyrant264

  1. perfectly round? could I roll it on the surface with enough RCS and Torque?
  2. Hey thanks bud if you want to use a modded gimbaled engine go ahead ill just add the mod
  3. Lets see well I want a shuttle of ya know the original kind launched from a rocket strapped to its belly. it needs to be able to reach about 250 km or so into orbit (my station is there) Not to much weight maybe 10 tons at the MOST it can carry no extra passengers
  4. This is a post for mod req or add on development since these parts are not released
  5. Hello fellow Spacecraft engineers!!!! I have a problem... I am terrible at making shuttles! after days of different prototypes after school and work, I have come to the conclusion to outsource the project to you guys! So anything with B9 or LLL is fine I don't use many mods besides that and KAS so if you guys have any ideas or crafts you want to submit please by all means go ahead!
  6. http://emol.org/tv/alienplanet/ike.jpg something like this for a drone would be awesome also Balboa was red
  7. Now I know everyone is gonna yell at me, but I was thinking for a drone blimp.... what about Ike or Leo from Alien Planet? They were nitrogenous blimps with a solar cell skin. Along with two mini jet engines for thrust and and two propeller based turning. Idk just a suggestion...
  8. I cannot stress this enough, PLAN FOR ANYTHING!! It never hurts to be over prepared! I have also learned to equip small space tugs to my mother ship. The tugs make reattachment of landers much easier. Also too much fuel is never a bad thing. Also good luck!
  9. Thanks but I have no idea how to build a interplanetary space plane. Let alone one that is seaworthy haha. However with eve I have been scouting with a small drone for kethane! For laythe is it easier to make a floating base that lands in the bay then moves ashore?
  10. Lack I gotta say, when I first saw this mod I was wondering when in the heck am I going to use square parts? Today I am so glad I have this pack most of my VTOL planes are your parts. Now most of my munar landers and interplanetary mother ships are made from your parts! Thanks for the great mod pack! (P.S. can you rename the warthog the boar? It doesn't seem as HALOish as well it fits the part, the name Sow also works.) (P.S.S. A sow is a female pig that has had one or more litters of piglets)
  11. So your telling me for realism purposes I should heat shield the tops of my bases too?
  12. I love the tunnels I was very surprised as to how small they are... are there going to be big central round hubs?
  13. Does anybody know some good areas that are of a flatter variety on the Mun, Laythe, Eve, and Duna?
  14. Chase I can weld a box together out of tin but that wouldn't be really cost effective... Also will there be a joy stick in the final product?
  15. Gimme! Its like candy for my space fairing souuul!!!
  16. Devo will the escape pod have RCS as well as a drogue chute or airbrakes for reentry?
  17. Devo I just want to say you are beautiful brilliant person
  18. Mini probes right now I'm sending up a bunch of them with KAS winches on them so I can hold ships in place better and refuel them!
  19. The Fafnir Dry Dock Meant to represent the dragon's massive ribcage as well as serving a purpose of making a useful docking port and refueling station! http://imgur.com/a/yUoyQ
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