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KSP2 Release Notes
Posts posted by Shpaget
21 hours ago, Nuke said:
maybe dont prioritize inclusion over merit where human lives are at stake. can you imagine a forest gump apollo 13 crossover? thats what i figure boeing is like right now. il leave the hypothetical movie quotes to somone more funny than i.
Boeing: I've been in orbit for 2 months and 20 days.
Everybody: Quiet, quiet! He's gonna say something!
Boeing: I'm pretty tired... I think I'll go home now.
Boeing grounds its 777x test fleet after finding a severed thrust link (part of the engine mount) following a 5 hour test flight. Inspection of the other two test aircrafts finds cracks in both aircraft. There are two such links for each engine (for redundancy). It's not clear if cracks appear on both links.
According to https://aviationweek.com/air-transport/aircraft-propulsion/boeing-halts-777-9-certification-tests-engine-mount-checks it's a Boeing designed part, not General Electric.
5 hours ago, boriz said:
Now my magnetic on orbit attitude mechanism invention has promise.
Magnetorquers are an off the shelf part for cubesats, and even available for much bigger birds.
Unfortunately, the work only around bodies with decent magnetic field.
23 hours ago, Spacescifi said:
The only way a totally objective being could exist is if they were all knowing.
I'd imagine that omniscience would be very challenging to write. An omniscient being or culture would encounter no challenges, no surprises, no twists, nothing new to discover or experience. How do you write a story with such a culture without boring your reader to tears?
When I was buying my first ebook readed back in 2010 I made a conscious decision to avoid Kindle.
Last year when I was buying my most recent one, I made the same decision.
My reasoning? Well I figured I wouldn't have control over anything I put on Kindle, taking into account that Amazon demonstrated the ability and willingness to remotely deleted peoples ebooks. To make things worse in the most ironic way possible, it the deleted book was Orwell's 1984.
Something like antimatter?
Also, hydrogen is about then times more energy dense than uranium.
Still a bit salty Croatia didn't win the Eurovision.
On 4/25/2024 at 7:33 PM, TheSaint said:
"Yeah, it's time for all this to go."
I moved thirteen years ago and yesterday I threw out some stuff that was still in the moving boxes, unopened all this time.
I introduced a friend to Factorio. At first he was hesitant, but I managed to convince him to give it a go. So I set up a multiplayer game to give him a crash course and we start with "See that big rock over there? Go punch it some. Got some rocks and coal? Cool. We'll need some more. See this blue stuff? That iron. Hold your mouse button on it until you collect some. Got some? Yeah, me too. Let's not do much more of that and make a machine do it for us. Open the inventory and put this thing here. That's a mine. Put some coal in the little box and see... it's doing its thing. Place another one on that black patch, we'll need coal."
So, he's fumbling with that while I collect a bit more of the resources and start placing about three or four more mines on the iron patch when he asks me why am I placing so many iron mines when we already have like two.
Dude now has like 3000 hours in the game.
The worst example of the countdown I've seen must be in the Absolute Zero movie (both name and rating). It's counting down to Earth's magnetic pole flip, which will lead to global temperatures plummeting to, as the name would imply, 0 K.
3 hours ago, FleshJeb said:
the nitrogen cycle is necessary for life as we know it
You’d probably want lower concentrations of CO2 as well, because high CO2 negatively affects the uptake of Nitrogen and other minerals
I would presume, if not IRL, certainly if Sci Fi, evolution would have taken care of that. Whatever lifeform evolved in the environment would be well equipped to deal with that environment.
Wouldn't a simple mirror be more efficient?
3 hours ago, Ultimate Steve said:
Let's assume they can get to mach 1 on the ground (the current land speed record) without major problems, and subtract 340m/s from the Delta-V to orbit.
Not saying that this is ever going to achieve that much, but the record is Mach 8,5 for rocket sled.
Another Boeing / Spirit whistleblower dies.
0,6M I presume is 0,6 Mach, but I'd expect m/s to be the expected unit, which gives us 24,75, so we're at least in the ballpark.
Also, he just might have borked the math.
52 minutes ago, magnemoe said:
B 52 pulled in front of line because an engine out
Ahh... the dreaded seven engine approach.
9 hours ago, Spacescifi said:
Star Wars also never seems to utilize aerospikes either
Air breathing engines have vastly superior ISP than rocket engines, so why not use some of that?
Turbofan/jet to get up to speed, then ram/scramjet to punch upwards out of the atmo, then your vacuum engine.
On 4/11/2024 at 10:50 PM, darthgently said:
Voyagers use tape for secondary storage. And V1's tape is still working? Amazing!
To be fair, tape is still number one choice for data archiving.
That being said, archiving != usage. That tape is being constantly used. It is amazing that it didn't fall apart from purely mechanical manipulation.
Are the accuracy and precision in stationary situation good enough to consistently hit the target? Can you consider the time of flight negligible? If the projectile takes a fraction of a second to cover the distance and you robot is not moving all that quickly, just ignore the movement, point the shooter in the general direction of your target, spray and pray. Or are you lobbing your projectiles in high and slow arcs?
1 hour ago, darthgently said:
Do a dive on proportional navigation. It is related to the maritime skill of avoiding collisions with other craft:
Just do whatever this book tells you not to.
19 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:
Given the ability, you would opt to squirt high speed jets of hypergolics at your face rather than carry a lighter in your pocket?
How often do you find yourself in need of lighting a fire in everyday life, where such ability would be desirable?
CREW 2-5UPMASS up to 2,270 kgDOWNMASS up to 4,540 kgPAYLOAD BAY DIMENSIONSLENGTH 5.2 mWIDTH 3.8 m (fwd) 5.6 m (aft)HEIGHT 2.7 m (fwd) 4.0 m (aft)VOLUME ~93 m3*SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGEYeah, $5 they'll change.Anyway, 90 on demand capability, but "Deliver anything under 2270 kg anywhere on Earth in under an hour". -
IPS matrix LCDs have almost 180 ° viewing angle. Is that not enough?
Reflect Orbital
in Science & Spaceflight
These guys want to put mirrors in sun-synchronous orbit to shine some extra light at dawn and dusk so solar farms can generate electricity for about two hours more per day. The proposal is a constellation of 60-ish sats with 10 m mirrors, and they count on 175 000 $ revenue per sat per year, considering the spot of light would be about 5 km wide.
They fail to realize that a 10 m mirror can reflect a maximum of about 100 kW, which when spread over a 5 km wide circle gives about 5 milliwatt per square meter, not the usual 1 kW per square meter we get from direct sunlight on a clear summer day.
I can not accept that they missed this fundamental calculation, and since they are fundraising. I call this an outright scam. They can't be this mistaken, it has to be deliberate fraud.