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Everything posted by RoboRay

  1. RoboRay


    It depends on where you bought it. If you got KSP directly from Squad, the download page on your account has links to the 1.1 and 1.05 versions of the game. If you bought it somewhere else, you'll have to go to them.
  2. Easier? Maybe not... but certainly less annoying.
  3. Nice! I've missed SVE in pre-1.2. And the SVE drama is better than the Mechjeb drama!
  4. Not exactly what you're looking for, but I ran out of monoprop during the final approach to a docking, and just drifted in the last 10 meters without any control. Nothing but net.
  5. Here's the .craft file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14176520/DK-X Delta Klipper.craft It does require the SpaceX landing legs from...
  6. While waiting for the 1.2 download, I explored the highlands on the Peninsula of Disappointment just across Booster Bay from KSC.
  7. The bigger the better. If you're concerned with burn-time instead of efficiency, thrust is all that matters.
  8. Orbital scanning found an island on Laythe with potential for very rich ore deposits. So, I dispatched an aerial probe to take a closer look... Low-level reconnaissance has identified two possible good sites to set up a mining operation. Let's set down at the best candidate...
  9. A little off-target, but a good landing. 100% reusable!
  10. Well, look at that... It does space! But will it land? That, it seems, will have to wait until after breakfast.
  11. I conducted the first hover and landing test of the DK-X Delta Klipper SSTO: Next up... Will it space? My inspiration, if you're unfamiliar: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDonnell_Douglas_DC-X
  12. The GPL used allows anyone to modify and redistribute their modified source code and/or compiled product (source code must be included if you distribute a product), as long as you clearly label the product to distinguish it as your own version, not simply a redistribution of the original.
  13. Sarbian asked for the thread to be closed after people would not stop asking when MJ for 1.2 would be available. I wouldn't read much more into it than that, unless a month goes by without it being reopened.
  14. Tylo's gravity is strong enough to capture you into Jool orbit on a transfer from Kerbin, for free. You just need to adjust your arrival time so that you can pass slightly outward of Tylo from Jool, headed east.
  15. Can you be more specific about what it's doing? "Spin" could describe several things. And, it's really hard to identify problems in a craft design if you don't show us what it looks like.
  16. I always wanted to gravity-assist off Tylo for a free capture at Jool... ...so I did!
  17. Something to test... As many of you have probably noticed, Imgur now only supports a single album layout (the phone-friendly vertical scroll). While older albums created using the horizontal layout or other arrangements still display in those old layouts, new albums cannot be created in the older layouts. I recently discovered that you can force newly-created albums into using the old, better, horizontal paged layout that the forum software seemed to like by appending "/layout/horizontal" to the end of the album URL. Squad reps... Can the Imgur album embedding feature be turned back on temporarily and adjusted to include "/layout/horizontal" at the end of the URL to test if new albums forced into the old horizontal layout will embed properly in forum posts? EDIT - Never mind... Imgur just broke this feature, too. I'm officially looking for a simple photo/album host to replace Imgur. Any good suggestions?
  18. It mostly seems to happen when switching to a craft outside of the current physics distance, but I does happen periodically when switching within physics distance. It rarely seems to happen when just switching between craft and flags around KSC, but it's almost 100% when switching to something in orbit, from any craft. I just checked again on the 1553 build of 1.2 (was on 1548 when testing yesterday) and was able to hop around stuff at KSC just fine, but had back to back CTDs when trying to get to something in space from a craft at KSC.
  19. Ok, I just checked my game and I'm still having the intermittent CTD issue in 1.2 when targeting then switching to another craft via the KER HUD. My game is completely stock parts (not even the preview engines). My only mods are PlanetShine, PreciseNode (both updated for the 1.2 prerelease) and KER itself. I removed PlanetShine and PreciseNode for testing and had no change. I am playing on the 64-bit KSP client under Windows 10. Here's the save: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14176520/KSP 1.2 KER CTD on switch to target.zip Please let me know if there's any other information I can give or if you'd like me to test anything particular.
  20. Thanks! It keeps them tucked mostly behind the heatshield, and also splays the feet out for a wider, more stable stance.
  21. I completed my unmanned Duna surface science return mission. Highlights: The complete mission album is here: http://imgur.com/a/FiZs3/
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