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Posts posted by syfyguy64

  1. I build a few scale models, but it's of a thing I do if internet and computer is down.

    But I am really into the military genre. I do airsoft with a squad near KC area, and do some battles with about 10 other guys at a missile silo a guy bought and made it an airsoft arena.

    Then I play DayZ, ArmA, and some other stuff. Then I play trombone, listen to music, and once I know a bit about code, I want to make a sheet music creator that can play the music. Not the hard to understand programs people use, like audacity, and others, but just adding notes to lined sheet that can be printed out for a band. But other than that, I play KSP more than other stuff, and wanting to go to college and study physics. If not, then code.

  2. http://i.imgur.com/7Yqj7W2.jpg

    The part with the orange tanks is the tug. It has docking ports and can be extended by additional orange tanks.

    I don't know why, but this picture is as amazing as seeing the giant ring around the moon in Starship Troopers, probably because you can't see the entirety of the station.

    also, the fact that it has a few things that make it lively, and not boring like this.

  3. Anyone remember trydyingtolive?

    It's probably same issue with him, Macey has.

    But trydying was inactive before I subscribed to him, but he only had 1 or 2 videos per version, but he hasn't said anything since 0.17.

    He's alive though, I'm fairly certain of it. He has kids, preaches to the quire for his church, and seems to be busy, least acording to one of his update videos... From 2012.

  4. What a good ship! And a revolutionary return vessel! And I like the cool little manual that came with it xD

    You totally NEED to put these fairings on it!!!


    I'm still tweaking them, but if you'd like some, give me a shout ;^) (I don't charge)

    They will be way better on your ship rather than my useless Apollo xD

    I'd like a set for my ship similar to the Kassandra (Inspired by it, least).


  5. I had a few run in's with debris coming at me within 100 meters.

    In fact, I was messing with new 4 engines engine, and going straight up at roughly 25000 m/s, and I ran in between the second stage, and it's decoupler.

    I only had two ships in orbit, and nearly hit the 4-5 junk parts left from both.

  6. Hey, I hear you, I got the game at 19.1, but played the old 13.3 demo for a few years, and always had something new to do with 13.3 novapunch rockets and the mun.

    Now I build planes. All I do is build planes. I only make rockets to play with them, put them orbit, ask why I did this if I'm not going to land on the Mun, and realize I forgot parachutes.

    But the game is still plenty fun. I can abuse aerodynamics, make really large and unrealistic planes fly, or make old WWII replicas, or just make some stuff that can go through the R&D center w/o issues.

    So if you get bored with rockets, planes are your future. And start with Farrem. It helped me learn how to distiguish realistic vs unrealistic designs.

  7. Could work if the belt doesn't show every asteroid there, but maybe have a 500k km highlighted area that looks like a thick orbit trajectory that when right clicked, gives you information on how many asteroids are in the highlighted area, and some other information, like density or average distance apart.

    Maybe have an option to have the belt tacked separately from other planets/asteroids, and if you land on one, or within 100k km of it, you get lots of science.

  8. This will all be fixed by .50. I imagine that there will be a dirt runway that you start with, have a basic jet engine, a mk-2 cockpit, the flat mig like wings, a nose cone, fuel tank, and intake. You have to build a VAB which will be a 2-3 story shed, and it will progress on and on. But that won't be for 3 years.

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