Y'know, now that I think about it, I reckon that they may be able to find a job for Camwise. Flinging asteroids at Earth has been one of his considered career paths after all.
I can at least dream that Sidke might be successful enough in his revolution to find some records of that in time. Or hey, maybe Steledith will spot a new moon of Jupiter. Probably not though, it is just a spaceship after all. And the Board may not even have been monitoring Y13-H03 since they probably had bigger issues at the time. Either way the proximity detectors are probably not going to be major a story point but hey can't hurt to Chekhov's Gun everything.
I don't recall ever posting in this thread, but I have been reading it for some time (maybe since the first installment but I'm not 100% sure about that.) I might have written some comment in Kerbfleet or Plan Kappa. Please don't check my post history though: most of it is elementary school me.