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Everything posted by Jettuh

  1. 2 more launched! https://www.shapeways.com/shops/kerbalspaceprogram
  2. I was looking at your pictures and was like "BUT WHAT!!!".. took me a few seconds before i noticed you landed on the Mun
  3. Maybe DanRosas from Squad is able to tell us if they have plans for future models.
  4. https://www.shapeways.com/shops/kerbalspaceprogram Enjoy
  5. You can buy the model @ Shapeways for only 40 USD @Brotoro: MAN THAT IS SO COOL!
  6. I still wait for the mun to rise..... still no damn clue about those maneuver nodes..
  7. Couldn't resist to make another picture. You guys keep ordering them Let's enable the KSP team to make more Kerbals!
  8. I recreated this test using MechJeb! But oh boy, i would love to see this grasshopper in real life!
  9. Yes, but you won't be able to color print and provide the quality of our Full Color Sandstone machines. Note: you don't want this printer in your living room... the room will be covered with white powder quite quickly @katateochi: the machine is capable of printing models up to 30cm. Mind you, it will be quite expensive to print a large kerbal
  10. It's Sandstone. Basically it's a inkjet printer and a glue printer at the same time. The glue binds a layer of sandstone together, the inkjet printer adds to color, and the base drops down by 0.1mm and starts the process all over again @23deadshot462: No need to buy a printer yourself, just order a kerbal and we print and ship the model for you!
  11. So the printer is empty, I'll check in 2 hours when it starts printing kerbals again Btw, Bob is scared....
  12. https://www.shapeways.com/shops/kerbalspaceprogram Here you go:cool: Lemme see if I can make a picture of one being printed right now.
  13. Hey all, Just wanted to show you some pictures of kerbals being 3d printed Ok, they have been printed already these are just pictures of the cleaning post process And a picture of 3 kerbals that are missing their color:
  14. Yes you can get cheap desktop printers. Although I have specially chosen to print these models in Full Color Sandstone, this means that you do not need to paint the models, they came out of the printer the way i showed them :-) Cooly, I'm not sure regarding the general discussion, as this is non KSP related. Models from KSP cannot be exported to a 3d model, as they are not designed a 3d printable model. (manifold, thickness, keeping volume low)
  15. No kerbal character saying "you must be new here" for me For all pictures, as well as a lot of 3d printed models i made: http://www.flickr.com/photos/57124849@N07/ /me is new yeahhh:cool:
  16. Hi Aescwulf, You are indeed correct, here at Shapeways (the company I work for) we calculate the price of a model based on the volume of the model. The price for this model was $15.00 I already posted this + pictures, but it seems that my posts have to be approved everytime i try to post something (my posts still count 0 )
  17. Hey guys, The model does not fit perfectly this is due to the tolerances, so I will have to adjust this. At the moment the model costs $15 so I will have t look for a way to make it cheaper Hereby some pictures of the 3 parts. The textures will need some work, as well as the parts. But I'm sure that it would be nice to be able to make your own rocket What do you think?
  18. My colleague sent me a picture today, as I'm not in the office however as you can see, she assembled it with the engine flipped I'll get some better pictures tomorrow + flip the engine
  19. Thanks, I have ordered the fuel tank, pod and engine. Hope it turns out as expected
  20. Hi all, As i'm quite fascinated by KSP, i started wondering about the ability to make these kind of rockets in real life (non working ) So I started some modelling an tried to find out how I can make modular parts using 3d printers. So what if we make a set of modular parts which you can snap together using some sort of connectors system? and have them 3D printed in color: http://www.shapeways.com/materials/sandstone The small fuel tank is 3cm long and is designed to be printable in Full Color Sandstone material (2mm wallthickness) Although i really suck in making textures for a model, an assembled model could look like this. That said, the more sort of parts there are, the more variations you can make. What do you guys think? Mitchell
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