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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Hi , this is something i tried early on in modding as I also found it much easier to model in sketchup type applications, The main trouble i found was that sketchup models tend to be a bit excessive on the polys ( the squares, triangles that make up the model) Sketchup seems to like adding internal faces which can effectively double the poly count. The work around to this is to color all internal faces the same color then when you are done with construction delete that color which takes all those pesky internal surfaces away. I messed around with that conversion for a while with mixed results. In the end it was far easier to learn how to model with max, tried blender didnt like much, than waste hours trying to convert something i'd already spent hours modelling, Its taken a year or so to properly get to grips with the max way of modelling to a semi proficient std but its soooooooooooo much easier than all that frustration of endless failed exports
  2. Firstly apologies to tjitte for not sending pod mesh, RL sometimes get in the way. I've been working on some new pods , something more suitable for starships, I've had several complaints from K,A,N,D,I,S kerbals against needless deaths in space (otherwise known as candies) about the lack of escape hatches on the pods, soo another go at adding hatches to all the pods is required, I've gone over the wiki tutorial a dozen times but seem to be missing something ( is there another tutorial perhaps), Knocked up some more sensible engines, nuclear/ion hybrids,. converting heat into motion, they are currently being tested on spaceplanes. Ive also experimented with giving the pods some lift where applicable and the results are promising A pic of some of the completed pods
  3. HI pretty much a similar situation here except i've modded other games, as already pointed out the basic bones of an addon is the model and any tutorial will help. I wrote a complete noobs guide to modelling, the subject is a bus but the same rules apply, its here if you want to have a look, I've moved on a bit from that style now i know how to use max a bit better, but it has helped a few bodies get the first steps in modding, Always happy to help out when i can. I will say as a first step though make a box and render it, if you can do that, the textures and uv mapping is what confounds most people anyway, you'll be most of the way there, and if you watch the C7 parts tools tutorial enough times you'll get it
  4. Hi, I'd not even thought about interiors, good idea though, still such a noob i wouldn't know where to start but i bet there's some info somewhere, anyway thanks for the offer, if you pm your email i'll send you a copy of the truck pod as dae with its textures, its a bit on the large size still though, I'm not possessive, so you can have a look at it. The recycling continues with a part taken from an aircraft boneyard that i made for another game, So a recycled 747 nose and cockpit is the next thing from SMSE( looks like it'll be known as the spanners space junk collection:wink:) Had a bit of trouble with this due completely to noobishness with unity but its test flown now at least, and aside from the junk texture i think its okish.
  5. Still new to the Kerbalverse but I thought this shot from one of my more successful manual orbiting experiments was truly beautiful and is definitely, honest to goodness, KSP
  6. After coming to terms with the high std of modding in ksp I need to raise my game a bit so I've been getting to grips with the unity side of things and aside from a few issues with scale its going ok i think A couple of pics from my recent adventures, a few parts made and imported A set of pulse jet style engines, they'd be much better once Ive got the new methods sorted and they really should make a god awful noise, as I know from experience. A huge fuel tank that i thought might be handy for orbital fuel dumps, still a noob so still not up to speed on whats possible in the current wonderful state of the art. And because i',m a bit of a petrol head I though i'd need some Trucks for the dirty jobs , so my first a little on the large side Command cab, complete with full life support( a fan on the dashboard) and a high quality entertainment system(8 track tape deck), work proceeds o the vulcan pictured above, but still have to learn about wings and things. PS awesome game
  7. Excellent first parts sort of puts my first part where it belongs on the scrapheap, good luck with the adventure
  8. yes well it wasnt meant to be taken seriously more as a test and a bit of lols( although still too new here to know how seriously the game is taken) just so you dont think I'm going to produce junk mods only, An aircraft i had planned to use in another game can be converted for use here, another learning curve to surf, dont know if a vulcan has been done before, couldnt find one, although i'm sure thers's someone who'll post a link to an overlooked post, At present I am splitting it into modules in the hope that i can master the nodes And a look at my other stuff
  9. Hi all SpannerMonkey content engineering manufacturers of vehicles and mods for Cities In Motion with over 20,000 downloads is proud to announce the opening of a new aero space division, to be known as SpannerMonkey Space Engineering. or SMSE Our first tentative steps into space, start nice and simple, a fuel tank, but unlike the long term modders we dot have any piles of unobtanium lying around so all the parts have been scrounged from around the workshop and behind the shed.(no not the shed!!!!) The final parts list came to 2 truck tyres some washing machine parts and a bit of copper plate, cos it was shiny After getting to grips with the mod tools , having watched the video a dozen times before i finally got it, the test version was complete, and it actually works suprise suprise, I'm a bit mystified as to why i cant connect a tank of the same size to the bottom of it, but i can connect any other part part to the bottom face, a noob error is highly likely.( now fixed was importing old way , mesh collider too large) So here the unveiling of the mk one trash tank, submitted for your criticism praise or even derision
  10. Hi all, I recently discovered, past couple of days actually, the joys of KSP Kerbalcide and on pad explosions(noob) its a very entertaining sandbox to play in I've been playing and modding the transport sim cities in motion since release and have been looking for something else to mess about with, although the comprehensive list of mods already available is incredible. I'm a big fan of Open source and extensively moddable simulation games but not a fan of shooters. So my modding choices are a bit limited , a buddy suggested i googled KSB and I wasnt disappointed. I've had great fun so far and managed to get into orbit, but we wont mention the dozens of kerbanauts who lost their little green lives in pursuit of this goal, and of course the crew lost in space. Looking fwd to getting to grips with the modding asap, Cheers SM ps Some of my other game mods can be found here
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