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Everything posted by TheUnamusedFox

  1. Here are some patches to make KPBS support Kerbalism https://www.dropbox.com/s/9zsz5q8mzs8fse0/KerbalismFoxPatches1.2.7z?dl=0
  2. Here's some patches to tide you over, I don't know if it's well balanced or not... And Kerbalism is incompatible with CRP, as CRP's resources are loaded first and Kerbalism's Oxygen and Food are not loaded. This makes them much lighter than they should be. I also made the MK2 habitat have a very high entertainment factor - 8 - since my headcanon is that it has a full entertainment suite and 3d videoconferencing Gotta keep the kerbals happy! https://www.dropbox.com/s/9zsz5q8mzs8fse0/KerbalismFoxPatches1.2.7z?dl=0 (Fixed a typo) The large food container holds enough food to last a single kerbal 250 days - does this seem fair? And the half size one has 125.
  3. Seems that this is incompatible with CRP, as the resources have the exact same name as the CRP resources. Seeing as most people playing with mods probably have CRP, this mod's resources won't be loaded. And confirmed it, Food/Oxygen are have essentially no impact on the total vessel mass.
  4. Thank you ^.^ I'd seen this in other mod's patches, but I could never find what it was meant to do. Is it possible to edit something like "PART:NEEDS[TacLifeSupport|USILifeSupport|IFILifeSupport|Snacks]" With a patch, to add |Kerbalism ?
  5. Could someone explain to me :FOR ? Such as in planetary base systems, @PART[KKAOSS_LS_container_greenhouse]:FOR[PlanetarySurfaceStructures]:NEEDS[TacLifeSupport] , what exactly does the :FOR[PlanetarySurfaceStructures] do?
  6. You mean I can ditch this terrible name after 5 years? Praise Lord Kraken! \o/ I'd like mine to please be changed to TheUnamusedFox
  7. I installed manually, and there is no duplicate - I always delete the previous version before updating. @ShotgunNinja
  8. The cities textures are the same - they just light up on the night side. To remove citylights, just delete the citylights folder. I doubt you'll get a substantial performance gain, though.
  9. What was the key to open the EVE window? Can't seem to find it anywhere, Alt - N doesn't work, and mashing combinations on my keyboard brought every mod's debug window up but this one's... Currently trying to figure out what is miraculously breaking only laythe's clouds on my own, since I have an absurd number of mods... Fixed that. Would still like to know the correct hotkey, though.
  10. Alright, I'm getting a connection bug. I'm playing with quite a few mods and I just can't figure out what's incompatible. I hope godarklight can get his KSP working on linux, and update ExceptionDetector... That'd be a godsend. Here are the logs - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nbu9yos6kuyjml6/AAA0cpZ3H7Jmztvk7p4Gnq5ka?dl=0
  11. Ouch! I assume it's this bug? Good luck getting it working! Maybe read through the posts there? Some people have it working. http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/7514
  12. Oh god... So many nullrefs, so little information. I'm longing for this mod so badly Playing with mods just isn't the same when I can't see exactly what's spitting errors at me like a machine gun...
  13. Engineer doesn't seem to be giving me any Dv information in the editors, nor does mechjeb. It only calculates the Dv correctly in flight. In earlier versions, they would give me either correct or incorrect numbers, but never the NaN they are now. Is the engine not having its ISP calculated when it is placed on a reactor, or the fuel changes - instead calculating it in flight? That's the only thing I can think of for this to happen with my almost total lack of programming knowledge... https://www.dropbox.com/s/te3bck4qpnjecqv/KSP.log?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/d76hianw453plsb/output_log.txt?dl=0
  14. Yeah, this mod is absolutely awesome. I used it to make absurdly large resource haulers on the mun feasible. Can't wait to use it again!
  15. Maybe it's just a flat performance decrease that's only noticeable with larger amounts of mods?
  16. Yes, it would be a great help isolating which mod is having issues, so I can test it alone. Or just seeing if it's the 1.1 prerelease being a prerelease...
  17. Here's a patch for the gigantor solar panel, broken by the latest patch for 1.1. Switches it back to the old animation https://www.dropbox.com/s/gj43tcw09g2x9gv/zz_panelfix.cfg?dl=0
  18. No, don't change it - at least it works fine for me without changing it.
  19. As for Toolbar and Tweakscale needing updates, these two work fine for me in 1.1 - For tweakscale, ignore the releases section, just hit download zip and use the gamedata folder in there. https://github.com/emerald79/TweakScale https://github.com/rem02/ksp_toolbar/releases
  20. Alright, this is something I've been on the fence about for a while, but I've identified it as KLF... I'm getting ~20 fps in all scenes with KLF installed, 60FPs, my framerate cap, without it. Testing, the decrease changes with how many mods are installed - part only or plugins. I've noticed the drop off and on for a few KSP versions, but I stayed quiet since I seemed to be the only one noticing it... Also, the client being started or connected seems to be irrelevant - just having the plugin in kills the performance. output_log Ksp log dxdiag
  21. So, will this be updated to 1.1 when it officially releases, for those that don't have all that much ram? (Not me personally, I've got 24 gigs...) I also noticed a fairly substantial performance improvement on my 1.0.5 64-bit install - it has 2998 parts, according to the database... so yeah. And there's something that has actually got me thinking a bit - why does adding part only mods decrease overall performance? Is it because everything is chucked into ram?
  22. Well, I was about to go to bed, since it's 2:17 AM... But then I saw 1.1 prerelease. Goodbye, night! I didn't need to sleep anyway!
  23. Any chance you could update this, since you updated Orbital Science? Quite a few mods that add science parts depend on this, like BlueDog Design Bureau. It would be greatly appreciated!
  24. Oww. This mod is interesting but my wrist hurts.
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