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Posts posted by Climberfx

  1. :D


    Not even MechJeb is allowed?

    This will be hard, and i think the models will be more rockets then planes, because the no atmosphere situations...

    And probably Rocket only, if is possible.

    Because i don't know yet how to accomplish this Challenge.

    But, good luck all!

    I will not say impossible, but is near that.

    Until one guy do it.

  2. So, here is an version of the STAR, the STAR ICE Junior with Payload (around 2.2 units). The video use the Mechjeb version, but i put a download stock too.

    I think, from the 3 of then, STAR ICE, Junior and Baby, this one got the most balance from power and extra fuel to hold a bigger cargo. And still have enough fuel to expend. In orbit and on atmosphere.

    What you think?

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/orx3r2e3fwxonte/Star%20Junior%20Payload%20Mj.craft (MechJeb+Payload)

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/sluholz0g654dct/Star%20Junior%20Payload.craft (Stock+Payload)

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/nunzk46q3v4yt39/Star%20Junior%20no%20clipping%20Mj.craft (Mechjeb)

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/bujtpx9f5g32t48/Star%20Junior%20no%20clipping.craft (Stock)


  3. Well, for the realism, forget to have this jets on space, lol

    But yeah, if i put full power on a fast descent it will have burn out, without mechjeb. Even with this compressed air intakes.

    But you have this kind of in real life, jets, planes, helis that suck the air...

    But for this low power descent is ok. They suck the air. If you use the other types, o don't know exactly.

    And don't have intakes facing down, but if the things change for that way in the updates to follow, is easy, just put intakes downwards in the place of those blue cones.


    I update the post with the ship with payload.

    But if you wanna it without here is:



  4. So, here is an version of the STAR, the STAR ICE Junior with Payload (around 2.2 units).

    I think, from the 3 of then, STAR ICE, Junior and Baby, this one got the most balance from power and extra fuel to hold a bigger cargo. And still have enough fuel to expend. In orbit and on atmosphere.

    What you think?



  5. And those three too, but now is hybrid, Rocket/Jet.

    The good thing is that, besides the two up here, they have a lot of dV to expend on orbit. The first one of this list can made the take off/orbit/land almost 3x without refuel, the second, 2x, and the 3rd is the smallest still have 500 m/s dV on orbit.


    Stock https://www.dropbox.com/s/1cqw5ixzkltl5hx/Star.craft

    Mechjeb https://www.dropbox.com/s/80naegy95l...tar%20Mj.craft

    Mechjeb with node cargo https://www.dropbox.com/s/b7c3glwmzq...j%20Node.craft

    Junior Stock https://www.dropbox.com/s/9t6z3xfd5z...20Junior.craft

    Junior Mechjeb https://www.dropbox.com/s/dyi7jkqq6g...ior%20Mj.craft

    Baby Stock https://www.dropbox.com/s/eo5s3orewo...r%20Baby.craft

    Baby MechJeb https://www.dropbox.com/s/x1jzl40qty...aby%20Mj.craft




  6. So, i have this two!

    The little one originates the big one.

    I only have the rec for the MechJeb assisted flight, but is obvious that it can do it without.

    But here they go:

    The Dragon:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/8z4vavx4rwvu78k/Dragon.craft (MechJeb)

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/tqfblowmtt...%20Stock.craft (Stock)

    The Falcon:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/k0h6a12nc1sj4eu/Falcon.craft (MechJeb)

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/riisfhcaw0...%20Stock.craft (Stock)

  7. Alright, Climber, you need to notice that this is another thread that has been dead since September. There is no need to post in it, start a new one if you want to.

    Also, why is there a need for you to change your font?

    I think this, all things lost, and still have a old tread that before everyone use it, but lost the new part of it. Why build a new one? Just because is old?

    If will be the same, use the same, but i don't make the rules.

    I will follow the rules of the forum, if they insist.

    And the font, i would ask for you, if you have a Porsche, i you buy it? But i will have a Porsche, so forget it.

    I just like this one more.


  8. The first post is very out of date because of the forum roll back, but I think it used to say to post a video or screenshots at set points of the flight, I think it was during takeoff, in orbit and then landed again.

    I never checked every one of your ships, I just saw all the mechjeb windows and the titles said kspx. I imagine some of them would be capable of doing it mod free.

    Dont' worry, if i have time i do all mod free and post here again. Some of i only use a remote control from KSPX, but i can take off that and do again without Mj.


  9. Unfortunately those ships use kspx and mechjeb mods so none of them qualify for this challenge

    Not really. KSPX Parts on the 2 first, the other have a version with MechJet, and without to download. But if you are talking about the videos, you are right, i use MJ.

    But this don't remove the capability of doing the same manual. i just don't did it.

    So, for the K PRize, you mean the ship need to have a set pics or a movie showing what it do, without the Mods, and not the capability of doing it.

    I understand,


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