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Posts posted by Climberfx

  1. Hey @Jebidiah kerman

    Have you installed Firespiter Core DLL? It's needed for the animations yet.

    In the future i gone reduce dependencies.

    You can download on Ckan (Firespiter Core) or here:

    https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/releases (but you only need the DLL from this link)

    And please read the installation file, it have described all the dependencies and has it's links.

    Omicron enjoyment will be so much better using all the suggested mods.

    Good Flights!


    For the next update, the cockpit panel (simulation, no textures yet):



  2. 9 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    Log file, please


    I don't now if Player.log are only the log for the last game start, or if it is cumulative.

    I think it is cumulative, so here it goes.

    If you can't find anything on it about the plugin, let me know, because i remove it from the game and play one time.

    Than i can reinstall and regenerate it for you, if needed.



  3. Hey @linuxgurugamer.

    I tested on 1.9.1, all key binds are working, axis too, besides the Wheels Throttle and Wheels Throttle (trimmed).

    For the Wheels Throttle axis i get no response in game, besides the key i set in.

    For the Wheels Throttle (trimmed) axis, it return 100% acceleration all the time, after first click on axis.

    And i do not find Wheels Throttle buttons to set anywhere. Having this one would be enough for me, because i normally wont use axis for wheels acceleration, only triggers.

  4. @Fireheart318

     All the collider parts, that you correctly put Mesh Collider Convex on Inspector on each one, i recommend you remove the mesh renderer for each one of that, just because you don't want it to appear in game.

    They are only colliders, not visible objects.

    Mesh Renderer should be only on the 3d model that will appear on game.

    And your Mesh Renderer object (meshatm2body) has no shader, no KSP shader on it. Look on Mesh Renderer, field Materials, that are set with size 1, and should be only 1 (KSP won't accept more than one shader for 3d part), the next field are Element 0. This one has noting on it. Is where you should put your shader.

    The shader type i mostly use (no transparency) is KSP/Emissive/Bumped Specular (Mapped). I can have textures for Spec, RGB, Normal, Emissive.

    For the transparent parts like glass i use KSP/Alpha/Translucent Specular. Using only an RGBA map.

  5. Update:

    So, i finalize the variants for Wall_closed and Wall_hatch (5 for each), including:

    • Wall_xxxxx_strut_clean
    • Wall_xxxxx_clean_clean
    • Wall_xxxxx_strut_LS
    • Wall_xxxxx_clean_LS
    • Wall_xxxxx_LS_LS

    Making it 2 parts with 5 variants for each.


    Now i'm on the new part: Back_Hatch, that will have 3 variants:

    • Back_hatch_clean
    • Back_hatch_strut
    • Back_hatch_LS




    After finishing this part i go back to UVW and textures of cockpit panel.


  6. So, i got with this kind of problem when i need to made a custom particle for the Jet state of my VTOL dualmode engines.

    First, i see in my pre  KSP 1.7.3 Unity project, where i did already on Earlier Unity versions with older PartTools, the particles i already use in Rocket mode for the VTOL and my custom RCS for the mode I'm making, Omicron, that it lost all the Unity configs with the new Unity and new Parttools ( KSP 1.9.1).

    It lost and show where it had to be the particle config, a missing (mono script) message. Since i did it a long time ago, i do not remember the name of it and Unity won't show it for me, i presume that was the older version of KSP Particle plugin.


    So i start to dig and test here, and find a not optimal, but practical solution.

    In Unity Hierarchy i create an empty game object with another one inside it, both with zero translate and rotation and default scale.

    vtol_particle_jet -> vtol_particle_jet

    On the root one, i put PartTools script (in inspector)to export Model Name: O_vtol_particle_jet, and fill up where i wanna to put then in my mod (Omicron/FX), with uncompressed TGA.

    Then, in Inspector again but on child one, i  added KSP Particle Emitter (Script). It add Particle System automatically after it, but after some tests, besides the Particle System show cool animations, the in game test with it won't work, so i just discard those settings completely.

    I keep my focus on KSP Particle Emitter, that won't show any preview in Unity, neither the Setup ParticleSystem do any thing, the list bellow work almost perfectly to control the behave of the particle in KSP.

    So i keep editing it, exporting and testing in game, edit, export, test, edit export test. Take some time, put i got to the results i expect.

    Is not perfect because you won't see it in Unity, and when  you close unity, it lost all the setting you changed in KSP Particle Emitter Script and go back to default state of it, so, i need to retype all my change if i close Unity and need to update again the particles.

    The way i did to go around this bug, is to print screen my settings every time i close Unity, and then retype it to change.

    Here how it get for the Jet.

    49830689971_0f7d7e9059_b.jpgParticle jet Unity Config by Rafael Valle, on Flickr

    It's not so practical, but it works.

    Then i manage the config part of it and it's done.

    Will do the work  until they manage to update Parttools to work with it again or better, they make the new Unity Particle System work with KSP.

    Hope to be usefull.



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