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Everything posted by Pugspaceprogram

  1. Granted, but it's Schrödinger's cat, and it's dead I wish someone would leave the corgi in the bag
  2. Granted, but it doesn't work and just explodes. I wish things would happen
  3. Granted, but there was a shipping error that got you an anti anti-pug raygun (essentially a pug gun) I wish when I pressed backspace, a corgi was deleted from the universe.
  4. False. It's night. The user below me didn't go to space today
  5. Granted, but they transform into PUG5 I wish all Corgis were nuked.
  6. Actually, it currently is serving a purpose. I wouldn't be willing to write a long kerbal story if no one were to read it. Also, while I'm here, I have to begin writing later, as my computer is somewhat destroyed
  7. 371: You fall though a trapdoor but you get blown away by a mainsail. You got blasted through the ceiling to floor...
  8. Granted, but it doesn't work I wish I had MOAR PUGZ
  9. Granted, but its only once they have defeated ye. I wish the ninjaing would stop (srsly gays I'm srs)
  10. Granted, but its in 3.5 billion years when you can, when Earth is quite literally, dry I wish I was never ninja'd again
  11. Banned for not coming up with a reason
  12. Granted, but you have to stay awake yor entire life, so you kill yourself out of boredom I wish for 547985438965486584975948654189391541934304305720731409756807662097 pugs
  13. It goes up 1 metre after it lands I wish I would spontaneously combust
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