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Everything posted by Pugspaceprogram

  1. Granted, but the pugs win, and they are my pugs, so I now rule the multiverse. I wish I was outside the space time continuum
  2. KSC 2 still remains. Instead of being a KSC, to me it is more of a memorial to the old buildings and structures.
  3. 359: gravity turns back on and you meet a crying baby.
  4. Granted, but its not from concentrate, and it is actually a hairless cat. I wish for a hairless cat.
  5. Actually, there is a way, with a bug ship that is. You should launch when mün is 45° above the horizon on the left Here you launch upwards until encounter is achieved. I would personally go into an orbit first as it is much more efficient and if you are recording, you don't look as 'nooby'
  6. If a kerbal isn't funny, it is set on a collision course with gilly (Therefore, quite painful)
  7. Personally, I would go with the real ISS altitude, with is approximately 325 km. Here, you get the Oberth effect taking place, it moves in a slower orbit, and therefor making rendezvousing a tad easier. Also, note that you can move the station by using ion engines and a ton of xenon. This way, you can safely adjust the orbit to whatever suits you.
  8. Granted, but it has an impact tolerance of 0.0000000000001, and its on a collision course with Tylo I wish ads didn't exist. (Don't we all)
  9. Granted but you are one of my minions I wish I had more minions
  10. Granted but it was severely downgraded. You can no longer fire it. I wish for the apocalypse to begin
  11. Justice league. No questions asked. Superman vs Jebediah Kerman. Note:NSFW Take note:
  12. Granted, but it is hidden, quite possibly on Laythe I wish for a servant
  13. Granted, but it is never delivered I wish for 666 pugs
  14. Banned for not using one right now (srsly gys I'm srs)
  15. Granted, but it grows infinitely long and destroys the multiverse. I wish for a ice cold coca cola right now.
  16. Spartan IV because it is upgraded further Stephen Hawking Vs. Sheldon Cooper.
  17. Simply not granted. I wish that karma was good for once.
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