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Everything posted by sarbian

  1. I just pushed a new dev build that fixes the compatibility check to add KSP 1.11 and include the crew mass/resource/inventory to the dv stats math. I can not duplicate it. I guess the dev version I just pushed fix it... You can't force it currently. I am looking into why it does not set properly when it should. I may add a checkbox...
  2. Casting is done when you compile, not at run time. But if MJ displays DV then all should be fine. I will post a new version soon-ish.
  3. Then I do not know. Using the scripting module to activate the ascent AP is not exactly an expected use so there might be side effects.
  4. If your tracking station is not upgraded then MJ can not use maneuver node. Without node available the ascent AP will not preform the circularization. Edit: as for the throttle. Did you actually stage the engine ?
  5. We are. The problem is that it links a missing dll. That s why KSPAssemblyDependency is the proper fix.
  6. PresistentRotation does not link the aaa_Toolbar dll. Yours does.
  7. RCSBuildAidToolbar.dll references aaa_Toolbar but aaa_Toolbar is not present. MJ enumerate loaded class to check for modules. Assembly is loaded but missing its deps. MJ safely ignore the error but the stock game does not. PersistentRotation does not reference aaa_Toolbar at all and uses pure reflection. KSPAssemblyDependency is a perfectly clean way to deal with this imho.
  8. OnLoad is the proper time. Module are started in the loading screen and your code should check if it is actually attached to a vessel before doing anything that night break (also helps for the editor).
  9. New release MechJeb2- Landing AP fixes and improvements Plane landing AP fixes and improvements Rover AP fixes and improvements Updated Chinese loc
  10. This code is perfectly valid. If your compiler says that you are missing a ; then you have an error somewhere else.
  11. From the Engine Lighting Relit post : I do not see those dependencies in your install which may explain the ReflectionTypeLoadException exception. Edit: Also : [WRN 19:57:12.460] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'SmartStage' is missing 2 dependencies [ERR 19:57:12.563] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: AtmosphereAutopilot.UI, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ERR 19:57:12.563] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: AtmosphereAutopilot.UI, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ERR 19:57:12.586] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: BetterTracking.Unity, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ERR 19:57:12.586] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: BetterTracking.Unity, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  12. Many but I'll keep it short. Install ModuleManager and you should get a message on the loading screen that tell you which other mods is not updated for your version of KSP. If you do not get the message then share your KSP log.
  13. The celestial bodies list is FlightGlobals.Bodies The transform for OccluderHorizonCulling is a CelestialBody.transform. The radius are the body radius. Not all KSP planet are perfect sphere but you can use CelestialBody.radius to keep it simple. And with horizonCulling.Raycast using double precision vectors it it likely that that you should use Vessel.GetWorldPos3D() for the source and dest values.
  14. The landing AP need more work to fix some of the breaking bugs but I do not code much ATM (work, tired, 2020) so don't expect a quick fix unless someone else is mad enough to dive into that code.
  15. Ah, you have the MJ controller active. Use the Maximum Relative Angular velocity slider. Or switch to the Hybrid Controller + change the value and see if it works better.
  16. It something I considered in the past but I never wrote it. Not too complex to code but hardly easy either. Merci. Ajouté I ll add something to prevent error when it is set to 0. It is the speed limit for the final approach so 0 does not make sense
  17. Open the attitude controller window and change the max stop time to a larger value. Like 10 or 20
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