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Everything posted by SalmonellaDingDong

  1. Does the radial engine body in ksp not actually cool engines like it says it does?
  2. If you could cryogenically freeze yourself and awaken in the future like Fry, how long would you freeze yourself for? You only get one.
  3. Why? We'd have warp drives by now if you put the total military spending in the last 50 years into nasa during that same period.
  4. Because it makes sense to us and converting everything would be a real pain in the behind.
  5. Totally agreed, NASAFanboy. Let's reverse the US military and NASA's budget.
  6. The only problem with your argument is that everyone still drives above the speed limit. It's a normal thing to do. They're set too low in many cases. Want an example that bothers me daily on my way to work? This road used to be a 50mph speed limit. Now it is set to 25mph for no reason at all. The only reason it's set so low is so that the police can give tickets. https://maps.google.com/maps?q=47.284076,-122.259274&num=1&t=h&z=16 See? Straight, next to a freeway, and it continues south for the entire length at 25mph, which takes forever now. You might say that I should just go 25. I do this, but then everyone tailgates me and gets super pissed. This make me feel unsafe, especially when I am on my motorcycle and vulnerable to people tailgating me and messing up. So I speed up, and traffic continues at a normal flow. Ever heard of the Autobahn? The speed limits there are nice and high.
  7. Read my stabilization post above. Also, you can always use the remote in your pocket to increase your lucidity. Or eat the pills in your other pocket. Have you tried voice commands?
  8. As long as you're not the guy going 60 while everyone else is going 80 and having to swerve around you, do whatever you want. Speed limits have their place but a 90 degree summer day is not the place to go slow, especially when the speed limits were designed 50 years ago for cars much less capable than the ones commonly on the road today. Maybe after you get off your Ls and have more experience you will come to see that this is the case. I live in the US, where we don't have any graduated licensing and everyone speeds. There is nothing more frustrating than being stuck behind a slow car on a nice curvy road on my bike or in my cage. Especially when they don't use the slow vehicle turnouts like they should. I'm not accusing you of anything but maybe those people were following too closely because they wanted you to go faster. Obviously I don't know what happened, but it happening twice is interesting.
  9. That's because you get excited when you realize it's a dream. You will gain control of it over time. I find that meditating in dreams makes them incredibly vivid. Do the sohum meditation style, with the criss cross applesauce legs and all.
  10. Glad I decided to check the thread. These intakes have been making my planes unflyable. I get to 15k and can't go higher or get any speed. Good to know it's not just me. B9, please fix.
  11. Seeing as how this is an off topic thread, what does everyone think about China's internet firewall?
  12. People that drive at or under the speed limit in perfect conditions.
  13. Well yeah, if you want to wake up then close them. But if you're trying to dream don't. Ideally to wake yourself up whenever you want you would hold your breath.
  14. Seems like a perfect time for a reality check then.
  15. Usually eye closing is an instant wakeup. I would not recommend ever closing your eyes in a dream. It takes some getting used to considering how many things cause us to close them reflexively.
  16. You should stabilize. Look at your hands for a minute and nothing else. When you look back up things will be vivid. That or take the lucidity pills in your pocket. Also try rubbing your hands together, or feeling the ground. Feel things. You need to immerse yourself in as many senses as possible so you are anchored in the dream. Running my hands through grass always works for me. Voice commands work in lucid dreams too. You can yell out "Clarity!" or "Enhance!" or "Increase lucidity!" and if you say them with enough conviction they work.
  17. This one time I was banned for using shotguns in BF3. On caspian border. Not like I was spamming USAS in metro pre-patch.
  18. It requires active effort to get that many. I do around 50-60 reality checks per day(are you dreaming right now? plug your nose and inhale) while doing my best to maintain awareness throughout the day and RCing the instant anything seems off. If people cared about space we would be sending humans to the outer planets by now, instead there are people that "don't see the point" in space exploration and thus refuse to fund it appropriately even though it is our everything and we owe our existence to cosmic chance. It's helpful. You should use one. Wake up each day and lay still for a few minutes and try to remember any dreams you had. Moving right away in the morning will make you forget them instantly. Even if you don't remember any dreams, go write "I don't remember any dreams from last night" in your journal so your brain knows that it needs to start remembering them. If you only remember slight details, write them. Try and use the details to jog your memory of what happened. Sometimes making things up to fill in the spaces between the details helps you remember the next night better. Try to follow a format in your journal. Where were you? Was it somewhere you are often? Or was it an original landscape your mind created? Who were you with? The same people often show up in dreams. They can be famous people or someone you last saw in middle school ten years ago. Generally I still recognize people from my past even with the aging that is applied automatically. One of my MILD mantras is "If I see anyone I know, I am dreaming". My parents are often in my dreams. I often dream about living in my old room. I look outside and see the truck my mom drove ten years ago instead of the one she has now. What were you doing? Were you banging Emma Watson/Sophie Turner/Maisie Williams/Rose Leslie/Emilia Clarke? Driving a Lamborghini? Rock climbing? What made you realize you were dreaming? This is the important one. This one is your "dream sign". Almost everybody has one, it might just take a while to realize what it is. It took me a month before I finally found common themes in my dreams. My dream sign is seeing people I know. Usually my ex girlfriend. This is a good dream indicator because I would never be around her in real life. Another one of mine is being in my own house. Things are usually almost perfect detail wise, but as I walk around each day I check things to make sure they're correct. This has helped me realize I was dreaming before, Always do a reality check when you first wake up in the morning. Before you lay and think about your dreams. It's only large movements that ruin your memory. Reality checks: Plug nose and breathe in, this works the best for me and a lot of other people. That big lungful of air never feels as good as it does when you breathe it in with your nostrils plugged and realize you're in your own universe. Count fingers, make sure you have ten. Then look at one hand at a time. Do you have five? Or six? Are your fingers see through? Is it tough to tell how many fingers you have? I touch my fingers as I count them. This helps in dreams so do it awake too. Push finger through palm, this one is simple. Just take your right pointer finger and push it through your left palm. It will go through. This works most of the time but I have had it fail, so I went to the nose one. This doesn't trigger vividness like breathing will. Close one eye, can you see your nose? Self explanatory. You won't see your nose in dreams. When you reality check throughout the day be sure you don't do them mindlessly otherwise it's pointless. You need to think to yourself "Am I dreaming?" and really consider that you could just be inside your own head right now. You know the feeling of looking around inside a dream, marveling at how real everything looks? You need to make yourself feel like that while awake. I look upon the world with a sense of wonder, and remind myself of my cosmic insignificance. That usually does it. Do reality checks when something happens. Someone bumps into you, somebody honks their car. You dropped something. Stubbed your toe. Argued with someone. You're on a roller coaster. Do a reality check. I've realized I was dreaming while riding roller coasters in my dream theme park. Also realized I was dreaming by almost falling out of a crazy ass water slide at the same dream park. I return to the same setting as previous dreams quite a bit. I'm familiar with the layout of these places by now since they usually stay fairly consistent, and I can change whatever I need to change instantly anyways. These are the previously mentioned theme park, my house, a hillside about a mile down the road from me, and a couple other areas that are exactly the same every time I go there but would take me hours to write enough detail about to make myself feel as though I've explained them well enough to be useful. Here are some links useful for anyone interested in lucid dreaming: http://www.reddit.com/r/LucidDreaming http://www.reddit.com/r/LucidDreaming/comments/rsvp7/the_three_steps_for_learning_to_lucid_dream/ http://www.reddit.com/r/LucidDreaming/wiki/faq All day Awareness tutorial, DO THIS IT WORKS: http://www.dreamviews.com/induction-techniques/113253-all-day-awareness-dild-tutorial-kingyoshi.html ld4all is another lucid dreaming forum like dreamviews, here are tutorials: http://www.ld4all.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=30 Want to read a lot about lucid dreaming? http://web.archive.org/web/20090626100930/http://www.realityshifter.com/2007/mastering-the-art-of-lucid-dreaming-full-series/ Are you dreaming? Ponder that for a moment while I go get carpal tunnel surgery from typing this much Also if the OP could put that info in the OP that would be great.
  19. Surprised to see a thread about this. I LD 5-6 times/week. Usually via WBTB or DEILD although I've had some success with WILD and FILD. It's my favorite thing ever. I used a journal when I first got interested in lucid dreaming but have since stopped using it. I find that I can remember them well enough without it. I've had a few KSP themed dreams, and KSP was very helpful in showing me what the Earthrise would look like from the Moon. A few nights ago I door teleported to the moon and watched it rise. Makes me even sadder that nobody on this planet cares about space exploration enough.
  20. Good to hear, will do. Thanks!
  21. Even just drag and drop tiles would be awesome.
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