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Everything posted by Snjo

  1. If you use the latest pre-release, there's a slider for the timer. A too low timer value means it might stop trying to move you before loading and prepping the game is done, which will send you back to the runway. Make sure the center of thrust is above the center of mass, then tweak as needed. Crashing a fair bit is to be expected until you get the hang of it. Check the guide for as short explanation and image. Oh, I know! Everything will change when I put it into the game, so there will be lots of tweaking.
  2. That sounds about right, The water impact tolerance is 125 m/s. To alter if, edit the part.cfg buoyancy module so it has this: MODULE { name = FSbuoyancy waterImpactTolerance = 150 } ...or some other number. More variables can be found in the module documentation And for a tiny progress report. You know how helicopters have that prop wash? Working on it!
  3. Well, I need to do some modelling now, but the functionality is pretty much in place. You can try this ugly looking prototype The hover is especially smooth now. Gotta run, but if needed, I can explain the functionality later. P.S. it still uses no fuel! P.P.S. the tailrotor is hilariously bad in the model department, and has an awful attach point P.P.P.S Where do the D.S.'s go now? after each P.S.? And is it D.D.S., and D.D.D.S here? P.P.P.P.S Not FAR compatible AT ALL!
  4. No. With the SPH I was lucky and found the parent of all the other parts of the building. In the VAB there either is none, or I couldn't find it amongst the thousands of objects in the scene. But even though there are walls around you , you can still build through them if you need. Or lift the whole thing above the VAB and build it there.
  5. Now that there's a fuel slider per tank, you can add fuel to the half tank cfg file, and choose when building if it should be empty or full. I should add that to the next version.
  6. I guess I should make an alternate key combo. Would Ctrl+B (for Biggify) for instance work? All those Mac keys have odd names, so I forget what's Command, etc.
  7. Yeah, the sounds need to be in the Firespitter/Sounds folder. Anywhere else, and it won't work. This is simply how the game asset loading works, there is an absolute path name for each asset. The only reason this isn't an issue in most models and textures is because it looks in the local part folder first. (Although it is an issue when using the new model node system)
  8. So far: v6.2 -Landing gear tires bump, screech and smoke when touching down, and have rolling and retract sounds. -Overhauled the Water launch system. Save your current position to re-use in new vessels. Launch anywhere on Kerbin! More reliable coordinate saving. -Scaled f-86 wing lift back to 72%, which should be around the realistic lift amount (still more than stock lift) -Subtle braking sound. -Fixed some old tail gear scaling and floating point error rendering issues (Scale has changed a little bit) -Support for part effects (sounds etc) in the animation module. I'm a bit all over the place right now in terms of new stuff. Today I've been working on helicopter rotors using actual wing lift code. It works very well. So well in fact that I'm automatically getting some of the problems associated with helicopter rotors, like Dissymmetry of lift, but it's also very safe in landing situations, since even when the blades have no angle, they still act as a kind of wing, slowing your fall slightly, and keeping your vertical speed more stable. Most of that effect is because the blades have too much surface area in the current setup, but it points to interesting stuff down the road. Including a much easier to make auto-rotation system.
  9. Even if I could theoretically get the coordinates for Duna and move the craft there at launch, the severity of the floating point errors would be so bad that you would just get a random heap of parts in some unreliable location on, or slightly in the planet. The method used to set the launch site is still hacky, just less so now. Until Squad decides to open up the launch site selection code there will probably never be a fool proof method that is guaranteed to work from one version to the next. The method I am using now is close to the original method that broke after 0.20. It's an interesting battle There are now two sliders in the launch site selection tool on the Water Launch part: -Timer sets the amount of time the code will force the move. If this value is too low, you will snap back to KSC and/or explode. If it's too long you get bored. Better go with more time, especially if it's far away or you machine is slow. -Altitude shift launches you higher or lower than the saved launch site, in case your vessel is taller or shorter than then one you were using when saving the site. That way you can avoid launching partially dug into the ground.
  10. I can pan outside with a regular mouse by holding down the middle mouse button and dragging sideways. No one should have to get a 6DOF, unless they are making videos, in which case it's awesome to pan and zoom smoothly. To bad they are expensive. I got an old worn one from work.
  11. Amazing news! I fixed the water launch system, converting it to a coordinate based system. You can now save the vessel's current position to a file, and re-use that position later when setting the launch site in the hangar. You are no longer restricted to the areas around the space center, meaning you can create a spawn point on the beach, by the island, on the island runway, or anywhere on Kerbin! I just launched a plane on the north pole! It looks a little shaky in the part alignment because of floating point errors, but it's totally fine if you leave the flight and come back to it. If you want to try it out, go ahead! edit: the position files are saved in Firespitter/PluginData, so if you want to alter the altitude of a launch point for instance, just edit the file there.
  12. Keep i mind that parts in KSP have a silly interpretation of up and forwards relative to the normal way of doing things in Unity. Up (y) in KSP is the rocket nose, and forward (z) is the heads up direction in a plane cockpit. Normally forward/z is the direction of travel in Unity, and therefore any examples using LookAt for instance will be confusing. Also remember to use transform.localPosition and not the global transform.position in all cases where you move stuff inside a part (and localRotation of course)
  13. Nice nose! I see now what you meant about wooden struts. I thought you meant the stretchy kind, but I guess you mean some fixed beams. Interesting. An observation about planes and stable flight in KSP. It seems it has always been very hard to make stable planes out of stock part, but quite a bit easier to build them out of Firespitter parts, even when they are using the same code. The difference between them is that FS parts are generally lighter, meaning you can depend on your wings to both lift you and provide stability without fighting gravity all over the place. It almost makes you ponder if low weight would be something a real aircraft would strive for too... Hmmm... According to Ferram, the stock lift is 2.44 times too low. No idea how he came up with that figure, but I trust him. I will try to keep any new wings around that value, and see if it works out nicely with larger planes and their take off and landing speeds. With some luck I can also tweak a new engine module to give a better feeling thrust response, where you take off at a reasonable rate, and don't immediately go to Mach 1, only to hen be stuck there. But that all might be dependent on the drag model as well. We'll see. (biplane lift is actually a bit higher than this number to get the proper take off speed, but unfortunately, it's hard to get the proper engine response. ID's engines help a bit though) Some of the problem here is also the fact that there is a poor perception of speed in KSP because you have so few reference points. No clouds, roads, trees and towns etc, and no distance haze.
  14. I think the way it works now the bomb would need an IFF tag to become a target for the defense guns. That seems like a silly thing to put on your own bombs On the other hand, it would be an awesome thing to put on some chaff/flares! You start hearing the lock on beep from the enemy guns and deploy flares from your hopefully limited supply (or maybe they have a cooldown) There you go InfiniteDice, throwing fuel on the fire (Contrary to the normal suggestion routine, please do not implement this feature yet, I don't want you to go insane just yet and have to do an emergency brainectomy)
  15. I made some late changes to use the slider in both hangar and flight, so if you get the pre-release again or just the dll, it should be slightly better.
  16. If you have the dll, but it's not working, something must have stopped loading either the part's modules or plugins in general. If you have other mods, try a clean KSP installation plus FS and see if that works. If so, add mods one by one until it starts breaking again to find the culprit. If you still have problems with just KSP+FS, throw your output log on pastebin or similar and link it here.
  17. Nice video! Calmly explained a few things that might not be apparent to new users
  18. Excellent idea. I made a slider to alter buoyancy in the hangar (I can now remove the ones you see in flight perhaps), and a toggle to disable the sometimes annoying splash effects. Download pre-release
  19. According to what I heard, it lost the ability to scale the hangar and work area, only retaining all the other awesome functions. They are of course welcome to include any code I made into their thing to make a better total package. This is a very tiny plugin after all. It was all about finding the right thing to hack, which changed in the last version or two.
  20. I can't explain why it would always drift to the same side, but some of the problem has to lie with the wheel physics. In some planes, you can go perfectly straight for a long time, but usually you start to see some deviation when lift starts building. At that point, if the left wheel gets slightly less suspension compression than the right, it will apply less friction, causing a subtle pull to the right side. At that point, you should perhaps see some reaction from the mass of the plane wanting to pull left, but either way, the reaction has started, and you are no longer going perfectly straight. So why do you see this with the propellers and not with other engines? No idea. There is no code running to produce torque. Maybe the fact the you are pulling on the front, instead of pushing at the back increases the effect? Maybe the different parts being pulled apart is worse than them being compressed? The possibilities are legion.
  21. Download from Github This plugin extends the usable area when building in the SPH or VAB, so you can build outside or above the building. Useful for building large aircraft carriers or tall rockets. v3.3 -Enabled config values for camera max distance and work area. Check settings.txt -Defaults are now lower than before to avoid too high cam distance when entering the editor. v3.2 -Fixed camera max zoom distance not being set. Stayed at default 35m, now 1000m. v3.1 If the work area and camera movement stays small after loading the SPH/VAB, press the hotkey to reattempt the fix. The default hotkey is Numpad *. This key is reconfigurable in settings.txt. For the custom key to work, the settings.txt file MUST be placed in GameData\FShangarExtender\settings.txt The reason the scaling sometimes doesn't happen is probably due to timing between the scaling attempts and the speed the game loads the scene and settings. v3.0 -Rebuilt with code from NathanKell -camera and work area scales -models no longer scale, no hotkey to switch scales v2.0 -Scaling the building model now works in VAB too thanks to Bac9's help. -Default building size configurable in the settings.txt -Complete refactoring of the code, so let me know if there are bugs! v1.1 -Added re-bindable hot key to scale the hangar. Edit the settings.txt file. License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. Source: https://github.com/snjo/FShangarExtender To get the rocket outside the building I used a 6DOF device. Regular mouse control has no horizontal panning function in the VAB.
  22. I've been chatting with InfiniteDice about extending the hangar for a long time, and we finally cracked it! WIENERPLANE
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