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Everything posted by Snjo

  1. Yeah, I see what you mean, but without working turrets that can be controlled from that IVA position, it's jumping the gun a bit. I'm planning on making a turret where you can control the gun from the IVA view, the gun tracking your camera, and optionally looking down the gun sights and having mouse aiming.
  2. A bomber wing overhaul, bomb bays and droppers, and hopefully some working turrets will be the bi-product of the Lancaster update. There will of course also be the parts needed to create the civilian version, the Lancastrian. Namely some small and large oblong nose cones in place of nose windows and turrets. All of these things are still in the planning stage however, so don't expect them straight away. I still have smaller updates to do on the current part set.
  3. I've made it quite easy to make an alternate texture that will be applied to many parts at once. in the biplane\textures folder, you will find the common texture for all biplane parts, and the simple ones used by the oblong parts tex switcher. I'm thinking of adding a tan coloured one with some optional french insignia, that would also work well for Wright Flyers etc. The cool thing about this module is that adding a new texture to all the parts will only use a single new texture file, so the memory impact is negligible and updating it is a breeze. The only tedious part is adding that extra texture line to all the parts that will have it as an option. I hope you will find it easy to make the crazy colour schemes that were found in many of the WWI era planes. The tex looks like this and is used both for the cockpit and the wings Click to embiggen The UV guide + annotated part.cfg setup MODULE { name = FStextureSwitch textures { name = Firespitter/Parts/biPlane/textures/biPlaneGreen name = Firespitter/Parts/biPlane/textures/biPlaneRed name = Firespitter/Parts/biPlane/textures/fuselageRed } objects { name = obj_main name = obj_ctrlSrf } }
  4. This is usually because the folder is in the wrong place or has been renamed. It should be in a location like KSP_win\GameData\Firespitter I forgot to mention in the patch notes that FAR support is not yet implemented for the new wings. When I've made some FAR values for them, the custom lift will be disabled automatically so there is no conflict.
  5. Awesome car. It totally justifies those silly red parts I noticed that weight bug too. Looking into it further, it only seems to happen after right clicking an engine with electric charge on it... Digging deeper.
  6. The biplane Update! Download v6.0 New: -Biplanes! Make you own WWI planes with these new parts. Be an Ace or a Twenty-Minuter! This is a whole matching part set with alternate switchable textures on each part. -New custom lift and wing code that is more realistic and more customizable. -Custom lift is used in the biplane parts and the F-86 wings. (The legacy F-86 wings are included as a zip in the Parts/Aero folder) -Auto deploying leading edge slats, and flaps on the F-86 wings. -KSP 0.23 Compatability with tweakables. Fewer silly popups, more nice tweaks. Fixes: -Action Group to increase/decrease hover height in heli/VTOL rotors. -Wheels have less sideways friction for safer take offs and landings. -Wheel motor reversing bug fix. -FSwheel friction override bug fixed. Note that FAR compatibility for the new wings is not done yet
  7. Whoa! That is actually the coolest little plane I have ever seen! I've always been thinking of RC scale planes, just never realized it could be built from small parts
  8. InfiniteDice, you know how I was telling you that Service interval prop I made is totally useless? Well, with this engine, it would actually make sense! Except I guess the service interval is more like an hour than 200
  9. I think it's very easy to make a tall glass tube with a yellowish "liquid" inside that rises and falls based on the fuel level in the tank. Dunno if I should make it look at the fuel level in just the tank in the cockpit, or all the tanks... Now that I've made round gauges for the gauges that are mssing in KSP stock (pitch and roll), I kinda have to make matching ones for the things that already are in stock, like altitude and speed (the digital readout is terrible for biplanes of course).
  10. Haha! It's coming along well. Working on various dials. Making them round helped immensely with the old timeyness. Still gotta fix the dashboard texture and make a new flight stick etc. This weekend will be crunch mode for me, as I plan to release v6 with the 0.23 compatibility upgrade.
  11. That only works until you do a sharp turn and the liquid is affected by centripital-fugal-whatever force, or until you get thirsty. And what's worse than a Kerbal in an airplane? A drunk Kerbal in an airplane!
  12. That cockpit has a face only a mother could love A cockpit with better visibility would be good. Not in love with the look of that one, but I'm open to suggestions for the future. Got the first Artificial Horizon working in game. Just gotta re-skin it for the different eras. Comically over sized for educational porpoises. The Cage button locks the inner disc to center, so you can adjust the alignment better, (and theoretically not mess up the gyro during crazy maneuvers, but I wouldn't worry about that).
  13. Better period instruments underway. This is for the WWII era and beyond. And simpler separate pitch and roll setup for the WWI biplanes. Making some cage adjustment button code for it now, so you can adjust it to the seat height of the pilot.
  14. I did a bit of a hack to stop this from happening to some of the older stock parts. It handles parts that are 10x and 100x too large, in Sceppie's parts I guess they are 5x and 50x too large, so the last check never gets performed, making it 10x too big. I'll have to find a better way to check for super sized parts then.
  15. Finally got around to the wheels. Only thing left for biplanes are some minor tweaks, and the cockpit IVA stuff. edit: And of course, you can't have a tail wheel on a biplane, you gotta have a skid! (it even steers) On the Fokker, they are also used as wing tip protector skids.
  16. The lazor missiles wouldn't be able to lock on or do damage to these vessels currently. Switching to a playback vessel and having it become a real vessel would not be possible unless you were to go crazy bananas code-wise. (Meaning everything is possible given enough time, but some things are out of scope) An EVA kerbal's trail can be recorded, since it's just another vessel, but it won't have a model. Actually, it probably won't even have a sphere as a representation... Gotta remember that. @Old Man Jenkins: New sport, Buzz the Kerbal
  17. It's not talking to KMP, but it's easy to send tracks and craft files to your friends and have them show up in your game.
  18. It won't auto pilot a working vessel, I'm afraid. It will only replay a previous flight with a dummy plane.
  19. You can draw fuel from the main fuselage and into stuff on the wings, but only if the wings don't have a fuel tank in them. So either you have wings with internal tanks and fuel lines from the fuselage, or wings with no tanks, in which case fuel lines aren't needed. It's a bit weird. @AdmiralTigerClaw: After I've done a bunch of other stuff. Trying to organize my todo lists. New parts, new part sets, fixing old parts, new plugin features, and fixes for old. And then there's all the user suggestions... Github issues list Change log with suggestions
  20. Thanks! Added it to the issues list. For the next version, we will be removing or fixing positions for thing like struts, fuel lines and launch clamps. The craft saving happens when you press the record button, so you could replace the silly looking vessel by starting a new recording with the vessel sans clamps later, and that would replace the one in the previous clip. We have also been thinking about updating the vessel used during flight, so it would switch between two saved versions of the craft at some trigger point, like staging. But it's all about finding a smooth way to do it.
  21. I don't know how you have been doing the remote vessel compilation, but if using actual parts spawned into the world has been a challenge, you might want to look at the way we did it in the Persistent Trails code's CraftLoader. I basically make a text file out of looping through the vessel parts, getting their name, position, rotation, and then when it's rebuilt, I load just the corresponding mesh from the GameDatabase and assemble it according to the previously logged values. Transmitting those values to the other clients should be easy enough, and then, even if the remote party is missing some parts, it's not a game breaking issue, since the rest of the vessel will still be shown.
  22. A tip for film and image makers When I made the image with all planes and rovers in the OP, I had a hard time making stock planes and flying them in a controlled fashion through the picture zone. You can see the stock Albatross 3 in the image, but that's not actually the craft I flew when I recorded the path. Instead I flew the small Sopwith you see in the background, and then edited the track file later. Here's how it works: When you start a path recording, the current vessel is saved to disk in the PluginData folder, and that vessel name is referenced in the track file. I launched a flight with the Albatross, and started recording a new path. That saved a new "Albatross 3.crf" file. I ended the recording and relaunched with the easier to fly biplane, and after the track was saved, I edited the PluginData\Track\sopwith.trk file, changing VESSELNAME:Albatross 3 to VESSELNAME:sopwith. Now when I loaded the track playback, the Albatross was flying along the trail instead of the plane I had actually used. (The Albatross has very flexible wings, and I wanted to capture a little bit of that in the saved vessel. If I had saved the new track after take off, that flex curve would have been stored, but I forgot)
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