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Posts posted by oggylt

  1. I noticed that in my career I had ups and downs, sometimes I even lost hope for my job that I usually loved. For whatever reasons that happened, internal or external, real problems or misunderstandings. I would like to wish you not to loose hope and continue the great work you do, for the game I loved and love, thank you SQUAD :)

    P.S.: People usually take action when something is wrong, not when something is good. Many people who would wish the same might not take action because its alright:) 
    P.S.S: If you think squad deserves a support now you should show it, or they might thing that we don't appreciate their work.. you know for reasons...

  2. Allow Revert Flights: Off.

    Allow Quick Load: On.

    Missing Crews Respawn: Off.

    Auto-Hire Crewmembers before Flight: Off.

    No Entry Purchase Required on Research: Off.

    Indestructible Facilities: Off .

    Allow Stock Vessels: On.

    Starting Funds: 10,000 sounds good.

    Starting Science: 100 or so.

    Starting Reputation: -100.

    Science Rewards: 100%.

    Funds Rewards: 60-80%.

    Reputation Rewards: 20%.

    Funds Penalties: 200%

    Reputation Penalties: 400%.

  3. well I really like the high number of biomes not because it is grinding, but because if notice that i lack something like 60 points of science for my duna mission I can send my unmaned probe to mun and just get those points from an unexplored biome. I really like the way it is not easy to exhaust the points, and there are just no point in doing that. There are neither achievement neither victory for exploring all the biomes so my idea is not to get into grinding too much.

    Different biomes also gives me some places to go and missions to do, like map(plant flag and note the explorer and mission) them all. I also like roving with the destination, I have my deepest crater mission down in my sig, back in version 0.18.

    All in all I think it is better to have more than not enough :)

  4. I don't understand it either. The game is delivered as is and devs are making it the way they like it. You may either play it how it was meant to be played by devs, or make a mod that will change things to suit your liking.

    The whole rest of the debate is about "I don't like that other people may be playing differently than I want them to play".

    words of truth

  5. Good idea, I'm my option, it took me 2 years to realise that shift-tab brought me straight back to my ship, rather than having to switch through all the different planets.

    WHAAAAA?.. I just realised that after two years, of failed missions due to shift-tab'ing and burning to where my rocket is pointing :D

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