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Posts posted by HoY

  1. It can't possibly be in Liters. 1000 liters of liquid takes up exactly 1 cubic meter. 1x1x1. Our tanks would be a LOT smaller, or our volumes would be a lot higher if it were scaled in liters properly.

    Edit: I don't actually care that its not scaled properly, I'm going to keep calling it liters because the system they decided to go with is metric. Keeps it simple by not mixing systems

  2. Solution for your probe core problem. It's not a problem. Place a docking port or a second probe core in the location you were trying to place this one. Then on the launch pad right click it and press control from here. You won't be able to move the current probe the way you want to because of the way the lower sections were installed

  3. Yeah but is it a bug that was only introduced by the lazer mod? Because I have never seen a launch clamp 'flying'. I would rather have proper launch clamps than robotic arms/docking cameras anyday - the launch is my favourite part of the game and its completely ruined by the exploding clamps. Anyway I have reinstalled the game and I am going to be a lot more choosy over which mods I add back into it this time.

    I was sort of trying to be able to construct a large rocket in space and thought the arms and camera would help with this. But then when I realised I needed the [very unrealistic looking] quantum struts as well to be able to do it, I soon went off the idea. So I think I will just dock the normal way and leave my orbital constructions for a while until the devs sort the massive strutting requirement of the present game.

    The quantum strut pack comes with "strut guns" instead of quantum struts. They use metallic grey beams instead of blue, if that makes them any more appealing to you :)

    Plus someone made a mod for the mod, gives the strut guns a different skin. By default they are just miniature linear rcs thrusters, the mod gives them their own unique skin but the beams stay the same

    Here's a link to it


    Regarding the frequency of the launch clamp bug, I remember reading that it was to counter a bug introduced with the lazor mod, but that could be untrue.

  4. If you are willing to use clipping, take off the long tanks that the nukes are installed on, and replace them with 2x half length tanks instead. Then you can clip the LVN inside of the rear tank for a lower profile engine, and CoM farther forward.

    You do have some parts clipped, but its ok. Clipping is widely regarded as not cheating!!

  5. Try damned robotics? Use a couple of hinges on the trailing edge of your wing with control surfaces on them, setup your keys how you want them to adjust the angle as you like. I don't think flaps will work how your hoping they will work without FAR installed however. They will probably just pitch you down into the ground unless they are exactly centered on the CoL

  6. I'm going to take a couple of these to Laythe with my upcoming mission, and just want to get your name pronunciation right to credit you for the craft :)

    Lev-y-lord ? I have a more than capable ssto but its a single seater and not VTOL, I have a feeling ill need to rescue some pilots from the drink on Laythe in the near future lol.

  7. Ok the 8 parts are uploaded, as well as a quick bonus video. Limit is 5 videos per post it seems, so had to make a new one.

    I Really want some names for these ships. Specifically the Ferry itself, and the Tractor. they are the ones that will be sticking around!

    Let me know what you think :)

    I have temporarily named the ferry "The 797" after Catarpillar's largest truck capable of hauling 400 tonnes (overloading at around 430) at 42mph. http://m.cat.com/product_groups/715/products/18093014

    This is just temporary unless its also given as a suggestion by the viewers ;)

  8. The engine the game uses isn't optimized to use either the GPU nor multithreaded cpu's. one core only, and that does almost All of the work. It's not just a matter of optimizing the game, the engine the game uses needs a major re-write to work better....

  9. The farther to the right you slide it the smoother your gameplay will be. It increases the number of real world seconds the game is allowed to use to do calculations for an in game second. For instance, I run with it all tue way to the right and launching a 1400 part rocket runs smooth as butter, but for every second that goes by on the in game timer on the top left, up to 15 seconds go by in real world time. It slows the game time down to allow the physics calculations more time, thus increasing graphical performance. Tho it makes big launches like that take ages. It's dynamic so if it doesn't need to slow down it won't. It will run as fast as it can handle.

  10. Am I missing something? Is the rover not upside down?

    Close your solar panels, press R then hold Q till all of your wheels are on the ground :P they don't provide movement from the top side of the tire.

    Assuming that we're talking specifically about the rover pictured how it is...

    Edit 2. Are the wheels installed in 3 way symmetry in the VAB?? I get it now... They only propell from the bottom of the tire, they will work slightly angled but not from the front, back, or top of the tire:(

  11. The B9 thread has several people having the same issue, it's not just you. I don't know if it has been fixed but as ThatBum has said, try removing the side pieces from the tank before you attach the tank to the command module, to ensure that's where the connection is made. Then reattach the sides. Also, struts. Stitch it to the tank.

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