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Everything posted by sokid2k

  1. It's not released yet. It is being tested/worked on though.
  2. The new update shouldn't have anything to do with it at all. Have you installed any new mods recently? Some mods can screw with things.
  3. Love the program and been using this for awhile now. But since yesterday I have had a problem preventing me from using it. When I try to open I get this "unhandled exception has occurred in your application.." and at the bottom it says "cannot read that as a ZipFile" I hit continue and it opens the program but will not allow me to add a mod. When I click "add mod" it lets me choose the file just like normal but when I click it and try to open it the same exact error displays and doesn't add it to the menu. Any ideas? Thanks.
  4. Already tried that. Still not working :/ I also decoupled it and still nothing.
  5. Okay..Finally got that to work. Now I have another problem. It seems like the DEMV is glitched with the wheels already down and un drive able. Here's some screen shots.
  6. Does anyone have any tips on attaching the DEMV to the WT-51 in the cargo bay? I have tried everything and the wheels and body just glitch straight through the floor. :/
  7. Nope. Just came to the thread to see if anyone else is having problems like that. It either crashes for me while loading the NP parts or gets stuck on loading one. Not sure what the problem could be.
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