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Everything posted by Kerbal01

  1. it can be found below (warning, the server might be overloaded). https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/76866912/
  2. I wanted to contribute something, so I made .craft files for US probes with Atlas V and Delta II. So far I have TDRSK,New Horizons, MESSENGER,DAWN and Deep Space 1. uploading to dropbox now.
  3. I think the angara 7 with same size core is the current plan, actually. Anatoly Zak has posted models on russianspaceweb.com where this appears to be the truth.
  4. The russian government is launching Ekspress-AM8 tomorrow at 3:00 PM EST (19:00 UTC). 406th launch of a proton, ever, 5th this year. Webcast link is not up yet, but will be somewhere on this website:http://www.tsenki.com/en/broadcast/broadcast/ http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/09/12/new-russian-telecom-satellite-awaits-launch-monday/
  5. I think doing the HL-20 and the Dreamchaser would be a waste of resources and time.
  6. How do you use the fairing extender? Im trying to fit a TDRS from raider nicks us probes into the proton. and for that matter, why don't the rd-253 engines gimbal?
  7. Are you planning on Falcon 1E? From what I can tell, it's a regular falcon 1 with an uprated Kestrel, and a S1 Stretch.
  8. Any plans to make a native Mac app for CKAN, I am very against using 3rd party stuff (Mono) to get other stuff (CKAN, Etc) to run. And since I mainly use macs where I'm just a user, not an admin as I'm used to (public library) I cannot really get poeple to get me admin passwords.
  9. It's included in the launchers pack, and on post #11 on the fairings pack thread.
  10. any .craft available? difficult to assemble and the connection between the X-37 and the Centaur and the atlas always breaks. also the solar panel clips out of the cargo bay and things are nigh impossible to attach in there.
  11. Banned for being the lord of tacos.
  12. Pages 230-256 of the atlas 5 payload planners guide have nice diagrams/pictures of the atlas v payload separation system.
  13. What happened to the smokescreen effects? Could you release a MM .cfg for them, I quite liked them.
  14. Need to expand more horizontally, they've established a good framework for expansion. 1.0 was rushed, what is now 1.04 should have been 1.0. Fix all the bugs that have been around since the beggining ( and the new ones that crop up with each update) before moving on to extras like console ports.
  15. Lovely update, everything seems to work so far. I tried using a AV 551 to launch all 3 EOS satellites from the U.S. Probes pack, failed to reach the orbit I wanted (aiming for demisync) this lifting job needs a Delta IV!
  16. Liquidhype, I see you are planning on doing a SpaceX barge for this pack. Might I suggest using this model. https://www.reddit.com/r/spacex/comments/2sz0i9/asds_highish_resolution_3d_model/ . The author (from his posts on the linked thread) is ok with someone turning the model into a part for KSP. You could use this, as it would save you much work, it should only need a collision mesh, as it is already modeled textured and uv mapped.
  17. The Old School Fairings thread doesn't appear to have a release up. Can someone give me a post number on that thread to find it?
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